Bodybuilding with Diabetes

insulin and syringe

When I tell people I’m diabetic, they look at me like I’m joking. They find it hard to believe that here is this muscled up guy, with relatively low body fat, who is a diabetic. Often times when we think of a diabetic we think of someone who has made poor food choices their whole …

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Keep it Simple, Stupid!

clean modern gym

People want to over complicate everything nowadays. So many people have trouble putting one foot in front of the other and just jumping into something to get started. Have you ever noticed that when you were a kid nothing seemed difficult to get started? If I wanted to get someplace on my bike then I …

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Comradeship is Formed in Battle

comradeship in battle

I think a lot of guys have a distraught view on what comradeship really means. By definition the word COMRADESHIP means to form a bond or friendship under common aims. This does not mean that someone who only calls you because they want something is your comrade. This does not mean that some random fuck …

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Self-Promoting Fitness Industry Bullshit and Pipe Dreams!

poop taking a selfie

You may find this hard to believe, but most bodybuilders and people in the fitness industry piss me off. Many of these people are nothing more than self absorbed dip-shits who think far too highly of themselves. I don’t know about you, but I’m getting awfully tired of this self-promoting fitness industry bullshit. Every day …

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Untangling Your Mess and Moving Forward


I’m not saying I have my life where I want it to be, but I’ve learned enough through experience to know when I’m moving forward or staying stagnant. I operate better on a schedule, and not a day to day schedule that was pulled out of my ass at midnight the night before either. I …

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Bodybuilding, Emotional Battles, the Mark of a Man

muscular man

Who was John Doe in the past life? John Doe was a piece of shit. John put his body before anything and everything in life. When he trained for a competition his family would eat sandwiches and noodles while John ate steak on a daily basis. His wife was frequently stressed out about bills because …

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The Sharpshooter’s Guide to Getting Women

fit man and woman

Most men want to build a better body to gain attention from women. Of course we do it for ourselves first and foremost, but a guy who doesn’t want to build his body to help get attention from the girls is usually a damn liar. I’m here to share some real life knowledge with you …

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