Get Big or Die Trying!

Get big or die trying

I don’t know if there is a singular point that I’m going to make with this article or not, but this is based on something that my old training partner and good friend were talking about on the phone a few days ago. You see, back in the day we were fucking animals when it …

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Sleep Apnea and Bodybuilding

fit man and text sleep apnea and bodybuilding

I’ve been bodybuilding for the better part of the past 3 decades now. When I began lifting weights, I was right around 140 lbs at 5’9. I remember seeing this guy walking up the street with his shirt off on this random summer day, and I thought having visible pecs looked pretty impressive and that’s …

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Eating Out is for The Weak!

muscular man in the gym

If you’re constantly eating out, then you’re a stupid son of a bitch! I will pull no punches in this article, fair warning. Do you know where you can go to eat healthy if you need to eat out all the time? FUCKING NOWHERE! That’s where you can go, NOWHERE! Okay, maybe there are some …

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Bodybuilding to Feel Good

bodybuilding to feel good

Those of us that live a bodybuilding lifestyle often go to the gym with a plan in our minds of what the workout will be for that day. We have certain expectations of what we should be lifting for set 1, and what we should be lifting for set 3 & 4 of a given …

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The Pothead and the English Teacher

man writing with skull in foreground

I grew up in a small town where it was really easy to get into trouble. The place was an economic dump and there wasn’t a lot for teenagers to do. We had to create our own fun and much of the time it was illegal. Mind you, this was before I got heavily involved …

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Bodybuilding is like Gotham City

bodybuilder standing in front of city at night

I was watching Joker a few nights ago with Joaquin Phoenix and like many things in life I started noticing the parallels in bodybuilding. This was my second time watching the movie since its release a few years back. I’m usually not a fan of many Marvel or DC movies (I think it’s DC) based …

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10 Tips to Transform Your Body

10 Tips to Transform Your Body

When I say “transform your body” here, I’m talking about looking like a totally different person within a relatively short time period. This is definitely easier said than done, but not impossible if you’re willing to put in the work and make your body transformation a priority. For most people, this usually falls into the …

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Steroids for Fat Loss

Steroids for Fat Loss

The world is all about instant gratification lately. It’s so sought after that as I’m writing this article this program is guessing the words that I’m going to use next and listing them in a light gray font just in case I’m too fucking stupid to spell them and need some help. Do you know …

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