3 Beginner Steroid Cycles That Will Pack on Muscle Fast!

You are asking yourself right now whether you should use steroids or not, and you have no idea what to use and how much. You want to stay safe and you want some solid results. What do you do?

Well friend, that is totally up to you and your conscience. But chances are you’re going to do it and I have enough articles already explaining the reality of steroid use, so let’s assume you are going to do a cycle.

Below are 3 different beginner steroid cycles that will pack on some good mass and are relatively safe. At JDB.com I don’t advocate steroid “abuse” or higher dosing than necessary, so what you’ll see below are cycles that would be safe to use and more mild on recovery than much of what you may have already read out there, yet effective as hell at the same time!



I’ve already talked about the 1 vial steroid cycle enough in the past, let’s get into the beginner 500 mg/wk test cycle.

What you’ll need are 2/ 10 ml bottles of Testosterone Enanthate or Cypionate. Test E and Test Cyp are ok to inject just once/wk so they are convenient and very effective. Also, testosterone is one of the less faked compounds out there, so chances are that what you’re getting is real, unlike many other more exotic compounds on the market.

The type of needles you want that are easiest and safe to use are 23 GAUGE/3 ML/1″ syringes and they can be bought online if your local pharmacy will not sell them to you. Laws vary state to state.

You will inject 2 cc’s 1x per week for 10 weeks. You will inject into your butt cheek and the following week the opposite one. hen you stick the needle in, be sure to pull back on the plunger about 1/8 of an inch first, and if you see blood then do not inject because you’re in a vein. Simply re-inject in a different area on the same glute.

The test will take roughly 2-3 weeks before it really starts “kicking in” and at that point you’ll notice increased sex drive, increased strength, and increased sense of well being. You may notice some acne coming on. Hey, all I’m going to say is it’s part of the game sometimes, and usually it subsides once you get used to the hormones.

I never ran any anti-e alongside a cycle of just 500 mg/wk test. Honestly I never did and I never had any issues with gyno. But everyone is different and if it makes you feel better then use some Nolvadex @ 10 mg/day. In 10 weeks you could experience gains of a solid 20 lbs of muscle off just testosterone alone and this would make for a solid first cycle!

Cycle #2 – TEST/DBOL

Ok, so you’re dead set on a stack for a first cycle. Is it going to kill you to do a stack your first cycle?

No it’s not. Do I think it’s absolutely necessary? No I don’t, but if you’re trying to make damn good and sure you’re packing 20-25 lbs on the frame in something like 8 weeks then be my guest.

What you’ll need are 200 Dbol tabs that are 5 mg each, or 100 Dbol tabs that are 10 mg each. They’re are higher mg tabs out there but I don’t like them and splitting them is a fucking pain in the ass, not to mention I personally think 90% of high mg tabs are highly under dosed.

If you have 5 mg tabs then use 5 tabs split up during day for just shy of 6 weeks (40 days total) or if 10 mg tabs then you’re going 2 1/2 tabs/day for 40 days. I like good old fashioned 5 mg tabs the best, and I always felt stronger when I split them up throughout the day.

On the Test, 1 bottle is fine, and run the “1 vial test cycle” I have on the site, with Dbol in the first 6 weeks. 20-25 lbs very easily can be gained off that, and I’d wait to go to 500 mg/wk test the next cycle.

Could you go 500mg/wk this cycle? Yes, but why would you when you can already potentially pack that kind of mass on that quickly on what I’ve talked about right here?

You want to take as little as needed to get the job done, this way you can only go up if you need to. You’re only going to gain so much in a couple months anyways, so why use 1,000 mg/wk if all it takes is 250 mg/wk? It’s pointless!

As a safeguard you should use 10 mg/day of Nolvadex alongside this cycle, just in case you’re gyno prone from DBOL. I never was, and I ran countless Dbol cycles with never using Nolvadex, but everyone is different and I cannot suggest not using it because if you got gyno I’d feel bad you took that advice.

Just remember, none of the bodybuilders back in the day used anti e’s and VERY FEW HAD GYNO ISSUES! But like I said before, get it if you want to be 100% sure of it.

If you cannot find tabs then type in your search bar “Research chems, Nolvadex” or “liquid Nolvadex” and you’ll find research sites that sell it online. It’s easy to find and the liquid versions have always worked fine for me.

You will be running this cycle for 8 weeks, first 6 weeks on Dbol, then finish out the last 2 weeks with just the test cycle. Remember, go look at “1 vial steroid cycle for beginners” on here to see how the test is ran.

Cycle #3 – Deca/Dbol

Deca/Dbol stack has been around for decades and if you can’t gain on this then steroids aren’t for you.

You’ll see no testosterone in here and it’s for cost reasons. Deca/Dbol has been run without test for years and guys make it sound like the anti-Christ, but the reality of it is it’s not bad if Deca is kept conservative.

What you will need is 1/10 cc vial of Deca and 200/ 5 mg tabs of Dbol. You’ll be using 5 tabs/day of Dbol split throughout the day(for first 40 days of cycle), and you’ll follow the “1 vial steroid cycle for beginners” only using Deca in place of the test. This cycle is an 8 wk run.

Don’t listen to the jive about how Deca is worthless if it’s not ran at least 15 weeks, Deca can do plenty for you in 8 wks, trust me!

If Deca was worthless for less than 12-15 wk runs then you basically discredit the majority of Golden era bodybuilders who predominately used steroids the last 8 weeks before a competition just to help maintain muscle mass while dieting.


Be sure to read The Importance of PCT (Post Cycle Therapy)

You’ll need 20 tabs of Clomid here, and you should start your Clomid 14 days after your last shot IN ANY 3 OF THESE CYCLES.

Why? Because you want the half life of the drugs to be out of you before you begin, this way it all goes to recovery and it’s not wasted. Run 1 tab of Clomid (50mg) for 20 days.

A little old school here, but effective nonetheless. Also know that the 3 compounds mentioned in this article are a few of the most LEAST FAKED steroids on the market, and a few of the most affordable ones. You are better off knowing that you got real shit instead of trying some exotic mystery cycle.

Remember, without the food intake I don’t care what you use, it’s not going to happen! You need gas for your engine or your car doesn’t run. Gear or no gear, get that diet straight first!

Good luck and happy cycling!

Train hard!

– JD

PS – Don’t forget to check out Straight From the Underground, the new underground bodybuilding bible! Get real no bullshit advice on performance enhancement from someone who talks personally about what he’s done, not just another guy writing a reference book.

Straight from the Underground ebook


433 thoughts on “3 Beginner Steroid Cycles That Will Pack on Muscle Fast!”

    • 2 cycles per year and if they want to use anything to cruise with then things like SARMS and IGF-1, nothing that will suppress you in between.

        • some of the oils are finer and clearer than others, and some steroids are water based as well. no, they all don’t look like thick oil

      • Id like the beginner vile but how long it last ans how much $ .. I met a guy at work that was big and asked me if I knew where to get some and iv been reading up on it and I want to try it for a year see how it goes.. im tall and lanky im 6ft 5 210lbs I would like to pack on 20 pounds of muscle and that bout it.. id like to talk to you more maybe walk me threw it..

      • Hey guys I recently started on testoviron wondering how many ccs to do a week first cycle ever need pointers thanks guys.

      • Hey JD. I need to know with the Test/Dbol cycle you mean take the tablets of Dbol for 6 weeks at 5 tabs a day. And then take two weeks of test at 1cc a day or do the whole 8 week “1vial” beginner juice after the 6 weeks of tabs. Or do the test while taking Dbol then the last two weeks no Dbol and just test? Please reply ASAP help needed.

        • Do the 2 of them together, I meant that your DBol will run out 2 wks before you test would, but yes, both together and first 6 wks is dbol at 5 tabs a day

          • Ok man I appreciate it. I hope to get big quick I’m going to start here in a couple months so when I’m going into football season I’ll be at the last of my cycle and be at tip top for the season

        • Hey Fankie,

          Not sure if you will check this again considering you have completed your conversation, but I was wondering if you purchase your supps online through a trusted sources or just a friend who has the hook up? I’m currently looking to stalk up on some, but don’t have the connections I use to.

          Appreciate it,


          • It’s really up to you bro, your 17 it’s pretty young to start juice but it’s really up to you, zyzz from Australia Syd look him up on YouTube he was a skiny guy and he started taking steroids at the age of 18 till 23-24 his dead now, because he he finishing at lest 10ml in a week

          • from my understanding this guy had a pre-existing heart condition coupled with a party lifestyle and anabolics. A lot of factors involved with his death, but why start at 17 when you can do so much more on your own? Your test levels are peaked at that age already and taking steroids will only start the rise and crash of natural levels early. It’s too young

      • Hi John
        I’m blasting sus 250 for 12 weeks
        With anavar 70mg a day for 8 weeks.
        When I come off anavar can I use sarms for 8 weeks and if so what sarms do you recommend ?
        I do TRT all year around is it safe to go back on anavar after 8 weeks of sarms and
        Keep repeating that or does my body need a break ?

        • Yea you can. Ad per back to back runs of one and the other, u gotta go by the bloods. See what the labs say, especially the liver values (Alt and Ast)

    • 40 yrs old male would like to use deca and test how much would you recommend of deca and test how many weeks and how much per week

      • I do 300deca 600TC
        once a week Deca 10weeks.
        600 TC or TE 15 weeks.
        Take .5mg of Dex EOD first 4 weeks
        Also take Anadrol 50 broken up 4 times a day during the first 3 weeks. Or DBol 5 10mg during the day.

    • Hi John.

      Great site. I ran my first cycle with test and gained 16 pounds and didnt need PCT. Its been 3 months since my first cycle and was wanting to start my second cycle. Was thinking of doing dbol test and deca with a PCT after the cycle what are your thoughts or do another cycle of test.

  1. Hi John,

    What do you think of adding a bit of masteron to a trt protocol to keep a hard physique? I’ve seen a lot of info stating the masteron doesn’t mess with bloodwork and I would love to hear your opinion on this.

    All the best,

  2. I am an steroids user since 1989 and honestly, these cycles are the smartest thing I’ve read in a long time. The 95% of steroid information on the internet is literally garbage.
    Although never abused large doses I am currently in TRT. Who knows what could happen in the future with the tips that are on internet.
    the doses we used in the 80’s and 90’s were less than half of what is currently used.

    Good job

    Soy un usuario de esteroides desde 1989 y honestamente, estos ciclos son lo más inteligente que he leído desde hace mucho tiempo. El 95% de la información sobre esteroides en Internet es literalmente basura.
    Aunque nunca abusé con grandes dosis actualmente estoy en TRT. Quien sabe que puede pasar en el futuro con la salud con los consejos que hay en internet. las dosis que usabamos en los años 80 y 90 eran menos de la mitad de lo usado actualmente.

    Buen trabajo

  3. So nolvadex @ 10mg/day is a suitable replacement for an aromatase inhibitor?

    I always thought so but the conflicting information on forums confused me.

    • Nolvadex helps prevent estrogen conversion at the receptor sites in the breast tissue, while arimadex and aromasyn keeps estrogen from converting to begin with. Nolvadex is not an AI, but on a low/moderate dosed cycle it’s enough to keep things at bay. Nolvadex is just cheaper than arimadex or aromasyn and I’ve found it’s enough to get the job done when you’re not taking doses that are too much. But if it makes you feel better, go with 1/2mg of arimadex everyday

  4. The deca and dbol cycle looks very tasty.Being im 37 do you think any issues would come up with libido..if so what preventive measures would you recommend.also would estro be anything to worry about?

  5. hey john, im 43 have been on trt for couple years now
    ive put on 30lbs of muscle in last year or so….
    im thinking of doing a cycle of 250wk test cyp with 150mg of deca durbolin for 8 weeks or so. do you think an ai or sirm are needed since im always on test.?


  6. Hey John have you ever tried super DMZ 2.0?and if so whether or not its ok for a first time Cycle for a natural.

    As I’ve just started on osta shred to help with getting lean and then I’m going to use anafuse to aid in bulking

    Going to see how I go on these first and down the track I might give superdol a look.

    Great article and ACTUALLY informative, unlike most of the crap on the net.

    thanks john

    • For me it’s too high, but that is me. I think deca at 600mg/wk is way too much and anything over 500/wk of test is too much. The tren is good at 2-300mg/wk but 12 ws is a lot on tren, I’d try to keep it no more than 8-10 wks, tren is harsh. I can’t speak for everyone but for myself I would go 250 test twice/wk, 300mg/wk deca, 400 absolute max, and although i no longer use tren I would do 100mg 3x/wk if I were to use it

  7. Hello John,

    Thanks for the great advice. I am currently on a 500mg/wk 12 week cycle of Test E. Not needing an AI, good to know that you don’t recommend using it from the beginning as a lot of forum posts say to use them from the start, which might crash my E2.

    • guys are too overboard on them now. 1/2 mg adex 3x/wk is a good fail-safe to use during cycle, but some of these guys are going absolutely crazy with letrozole, prami, caber, and a bunch of other shit they don’t need for the amount they’re using

      • Should I take it asap or just when symptoms arise? My coach said to me that if I don’t have sides I don’t need it.

  8. Hey john I have a important question I can’t seem to get the answer for and u seem to me the most knowledgable and straight forward. So I am 5 foot 8 in and weigh 180 lbs and about 10% bf and am getting ready to start the cutstack cycle of testp/tren a/mast. How many mg should I take and how often. Thank u

    • I would just use 100mg of each 3x/wk, so 300mg/wk of each one. Load them all up in 1 syringe and go Mon/Wed/Fri on it. That is what I would do anyways. If it’s a blend bottle then what you’re looking for is roughly 300mg/wk of each, so however you need to measure that out

  9. One more question and thanks for replying just need to know this before I start this cycle. Would it be ok to run 200mg of tren ace and mast and 300 mg a week of test prop cause that’s all I have and don’t wAnt to order more cause I will have to wait and wanna start it this week. Thanks again

  10. Sir John Doe

    I’m 24
    Height 6
    weight 65kg

    sir I started gym before one year but result is zero
    sir so I wanna use testosterone sir can u tell me which one I use with precautions
    I’m a beginner.

  11. sir john Doe

    I wanna use enanthane+sustanon or enanthane+nendrolone deconate

    sir can u tell me plz which one is best for me and sir I also wanna use mass gainer or whey protein, protein sir I don’t know which one is better for me sir can u tell plz sir

    • go with enanthate and deca, protein intake and calories are to different things. I always put cals first, so I’d use a mass gainer if you have trouble putting on bodyweight, and obviously a mass gainer will have protein in there anyways. But just protein powder alone is low in calories

    • John,
      I’m 54 215lbs standing 5’10”. Worked out since 14yoa. Had a hiatus of about16 years. Steady work outs 5 days per week for past year different body part each day. Body fat is 20% so diet is a must. Running test for a year at 200/week for trt( may up to 400/wk). Want to add 60mg anavar and 300-600 deca to my next cycle which starts in a week. Any suggestions for fat loss besides very low carbs with regard to AAS? 60% protein 30% fat 10% carbs. Thoughts on winny instead of anavar?

      • Anavar is a safer long term alternative to winstrol, but winny will give more dramatic results quicker. But like you said, diet is a must. At 20% bf I would be using anavar instead and as far as deca I never found much benefit to going over 300mg/wk on that

        • John,
          Would you up the test c to 400 or 500 at my weight. I cruise at 200/week under a doctors care. You think 60 mg anavar is enough for weight loss or go to 100. And how long would you run the cycle. 12 weeks for all? Thanks again. Cbo

        • Sorry John,
          I know your busy…
          Would you up the test c to 400 or 500 at my weight. I cruise at 200/week under a doctors care. You think 60 mg anavar is enough for weight loss or go to 100. And how long would you run the cycle. 12 weeks for all? What about AL?Thanks again. Cbo

  12. Hi John! I’m dave from Italy. Your article is very simple and absolutely interesting. I’m asking u an advice: i got a 10ml deca durabolin 300x1ml, 100 CPS of dianabol 5mg and 100 tamoxifene CPS 20 mg ( plus a lot of sylimarin,zinc and vit b6). How can i use all these products in a safe way? Can u give me a hand?? I wanna bulk a bit, but i’m wondering how to build this cycle and if nolva is good for a complete PCT. Tanks!!!!!!! Dave

    • I’d go with 4 caps of dbol/day for 1st 4 wks, 300mg/wk Deca for 10 wks, then 2 wks after your last shot of deca I’d go 30/30/20/20 4 wks on nolvadex. I WOULD use clomid in there as well for a faster recovery, but the nolvadex definitely helps stimulate leutinizing hormone production during this time frame. Def get some clomid in there though

  13. Hey john what do you think a proper dose of aromasin would be for an 8 week cycle of npp at 300 mg a week? Also which do you prefer for recover nolvadex or clomid and at what dosage?

  14. Love your post. I’ve been working out regularly for about 4 years now. That’s 3-5 times a week with rarely any breaking that schedule. Naturally, I’ve put on a good ten pounds of muscle. Recently I tried the Sarm LGD-4033 and in the past 3 weeks I’ve noticeably increased in mass and hardness. I’d like to add a 4-6 week dbol cycle to my mix. Would you recommend it?

    • Dbol is one of those that I don’t use anymore, but as a younger guy I thought it worked great. My body just doesn’t handle it well anymore

  15. HI man and thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience,
    I’m 26yo low body fat (hardgainer), and i’m gonna do the Test.E and Dbol cycle , first real cycle as i’ve only tried some anavar before

    i have nolva on hand just in case of sore nipples and stuff,

    What you think on adding proviron 50mg/day to this cycle? what differences can bring? Like lowering the Estrogen just a little bit ? ,
    at this low -beginner dosages i dont think an AI like Adex is really necessary

    • 50mg/day of proviron, I wouldn’t waste my money, not when there is Dbol in the mix. You won’t notice shit from it, 50mg/day of proviron is more of a cruising deal between cycles or something someone would use alongside hormone replacement. It really doesn’t start doing much until you get to 75-100mg/day, and its costly

  16. Hi john I needed some advice I’m 38 I ordered a predesigned stack of 500 test deca 250 and dbol 40 mg a day for a 10 week cycle wanted your opinio for a bulk stack this is my first cycle?

  17. Hi everybody I’m start deca cycle 3 weeks ago for per week 400 mg deca 250 mg testo and 30 mg dnbol but I don’t understand something going wrong I don’t have much power why? Before I was really more than power now.what can I use for more power? I must up my testo per week 400 to 500 mg????? U think 250 testo is not enough for me? I’m 87 kg and this is my second deca cycle

  18. Hi John, is there any different on doing the pyramid way of 8 weeks for test or just doing on pin of 250mg /week for 8 weeks ? The total of test for 8 weeks will be 2000 mg
    I ask u cause my test comes in single vials of 25omg/1ml

    • I would pyramid myself, get everything you can out of slowly scaling up and down the dosage, that way you’re more reliant on your own hard work. Just my .02 though

  19. If I wish to use AAS to pack on mass that exceeds what certain studies by Casey Butts and Alan Aragon say is the max amount of LBM I can carry and my height with my build naturally, do I have to go on TRT at the tender age of 26, or can I maintain by doing two cycles per year and continuing to train and ear properly in between?

    For example, 12-16 weeks on(including PCT), 12-16 Weeks off?

    • I would keep your cycles shorter, I say no more than 12 wks if your plan is to try to recover between cycles. And yes, 2 cycles per year can be done with adequate recovery WITHOUT NEEDING TRT

  20. Hey John, i am from india
    I am reili impressed by your knowledge and kind guidance :) u offer

    I am just 19yr old. And my last cycle under my trainers super vision was nt good, as i believe he doesn’t know much but still convinced me to use steroids.. I did gain a good muscl on dirty gaining, but the moment i came on my cutting schedule and steroids my body was covered by pathetic looking acne all over my chest,shoulders,back etc.. And may be even developed some gyno(not sure about it as i am nt in shape right now)

    I left my workout and steroids and supplements everything and the acne only increased.

    Now after almost 6+ months i am back to normal almost, so i want to know sir..that i have testo blend and nandrolone blend.

    How should i take it for maximum muscle and minimum side effects and what all pills i should take to avoid any problem or future problem and how should carry itand what all should be in my supplementation…

    I read yr articles u seems amazing and trust worthy…
    Please Guide me Sir, i will reili thankful :)

  21. Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Your site is fantastic! I am learning a lot and getting a better sense of how all this works. I have always worked out, run about 12%-15% BF and really watch the diet. Its probably to low in carbs but I like that lean toned look. All that being said, I am 51, 5’10 176 have reached the wall and am really considering a reasonable stack. I have Test C, Deca and Anavar on hand. Here is what I am thinking

    test cyp week 1-12 300mg/week (150×2/wk)
    deca week 1-3 300mg/week
    anavar week 7-12 30mg/ED
    Aromasyn 10mg EOD or Arimidex .05 EOD
    After 2 weeks– Nolvadex 40-40-20-20 (I do have access to Clomid)

    I am looking for HCG for post if I can get it.. Do you mix the Test and Deca in the same shot? What do you think? Too much for the first cycle? Not sure how much I will ever do again, my buddies laugh at me when I say that.

  22. Thanks for the fast reply,

    I have read a lot of your postings here and am very tankful I found your site. Ordering the book today. Just a quick question, am I better off just doing the Test and the Anavar with the Clomid EOD and then After 2 weeks– Nolvadex 40-40-20-20 . Thanks for the help here.

    • I’m sorry but I don’t understand the question, are you speaking in terms of doing clomid first and then switching off to nolvadex BOTH during PCT?

  23. Sorry for the confusion. I am trying to figure out what to take during that cycle and then after to keep everything in check. First time and want it right

    • I would use arimadex or aromasyn during the cycle at a conservative dosage(just enough to do the job) and during PCT I’d use HCG and stay on arimadex/aromasyn, but iof I did not have HCG THEN I WOULD ADD NOLVADEX to help stimulate leutinizing hormone and get your nuts firing again. Nolvadex is better at this than AI’s, but worse at controlling estrogen formation DURING CYCLE

    • Ok, I had to go look up who the hell helle was first. A good cycle to look like her? LOL EVERYTHING!! In my opinion this is an example of a female who doesn’t mind side effects and probably takes everything a male would. Expect voice changes and a huge clitoris… I couldn’t even begin to tell you what she uses, but it’s probably not just limited to “female compounds” such as anavar, Equipoise, and primobolan at lower dosages. Just my thoughts

  24. Im an athlete im thinking about running a test e cycle the one vial one you posted with Clomid at the end. I know its a longer ester and I could face some problems with detection with drug tests, is it smarter to run Test Prop. Do you have any suggestions for a test pro cycle?

    • Although the half life of test prop is only 4.2 days, the active life or “detectable time” is about 2 wks. So if it were myself I would come off 4 wks before a drug test time and hit your clomid and HCG for 3 wks total, starting a week during your last week of cycle and carried on 2 wks later. Use pregnancy test to make sure HCG is cleared from system, if pregnancvy test shows negative then you should be good to go, and clomid should clear quick, not that I think they’d even check for that since they’re really looking for steroid metabolites. But just to be safe than sorry, cycle would end 4 wks before test time. As for cycling test prop, I’d be doing 1cc on Mon/Wed/Fri (so 300mg/wk) or 2cc’s mon/wed/fri (so 600mg/wk) I’d probably go with the latter since it was used for performance and you’re only on for 8 wks

      • Ok I have a bottle of test E and many athletes say its the worst to take because of football. I know some guys who take test suspension. Would you recommend a test suspension cycle or no just the test prop. I’m guessing two 10ml bottles would be solid of the prop. Would you recommend a AI while on it or just keep the dosages low and most to PCT after?

        • The testing we do is random all year but three months during the summer, but most athletes take things during the summer time to try and get away from the system before camp!

        • prop or suspension, I’d stay away from test e, an AI wouldn’t hurt, although probably not necessary it would definitely keep water weight off. I’d just come off a month before football

  25. John – thank you for all this great info, this is exactly what I have been looking for! I’m 38 yrs old and my nat test levels are actually very good, meaning they are not low. I have been working out consistently for the past 2-3 years and have been able to put on a good 25lbs of very lean muscle. I am currently 6′ 175lbs and I am looking to make that leap to 200lbs.. This will be my very first cycle and I am going to either run the old school “1-vial” cycle with Clomid as PCT or possibly the test only 500mg/week (cycle#1).. Simple, effective, and straight to the point. Given my age and my information would you recommenced running test cypionate 250/wk or 500/wk in order to safely reach my goals. I believe you have addressed my next question many of times in this and other threads but I just want to be sure, safety first of course. At this dosage & given my info, do you recommend also taking an AI or having one on hand such as Arimadex or Aromasyn? Also would HCG be appropriate during pct? Thanks John and much appreciated!

    • At 38 yrs old I would just go for 500/wk. As for PCT, begin 2 wks after last injection and go with 2500iu/wk HCG x2 wks, and nolvadex at 30/30/20/20 (As in 30mg/day week 1, 30mg/day wk 2, 20mg/day wk 3, 20mg/day wk 4. On the clomid you can keep it at 50mg/day for 3 wks. You will be doing nolva, HCG, and clomid all the same week you begin PCT. The nolvadex and HCG will help stimulate your own test production

  26. I liked the idea of only using Clomid for PCT but if you suggest HCG & Nolvadex in addition to the Clomid then I’m definitely on board. Are you recommending the HCG and Nolvadex in addition to the Clomid for PCT because of my age and/or higher mg of TC? Regarding the PCT layout, this is what I understood. Thanks again John..

    PCT @ the recommended doses
    Week 1 (HCG, Nolvadex, & Clomid)
    Week 2 (HCG, Nolvadex, & Clomid)
    Week 3 (Nolvadex & Clomid)
    Week 4 Nolvadex

    • yes, it’s because of a higher mg cycle and also because of your age, recovery is more difficult as we get older. This isn’t like a 21 year old guy cycling who will just bounce back from clomid. The reason my PCT protocol often looks more conservative than overkill is because more often than not, the PCT drugs in themselves cause more issues than just recovery time alone.

  27. I’m 4 1/2 weeks into my second cycle, using the 12 week “EQ kicker” you have listed on your site(400EQ/200Test. E. per week w/EQ frontloaded). My first cycle prior to this was 250/week Test. E. only, for 10 weeks. Post cycle I lost some size I gained and got backne which I’ve never had issues with. I had zero gyno issues and didn’t seem to retain much water as I was still pretty vascular looking. I would like to try and maintain my gains as much as possible, like anyone would. Do you think I should do some PCT after this EQ cycle to help maintain? I’ve been lifting for 4+ years before any cycle. Currently 207 lbs at 6’3″ tall, 27 years old, maintained 7-10%-ish BF the past 4 years and always maintain good diet. Thank you for your time!

  28. Hey John I am a 31 year old male with low t and I am taking 250 mg a week for it but I was wanting to try test suspension what kind of cycle would you recommended for it? Thanks

  29. I’m 5’9″, 178, an about 21% BF. I’ve considered a beginner bulking stack of test at 500mg/wk and deca 400mg/wk. I want to put on at least 20lbs by may but drop body fat as well. Can you point me in the best direction?

  30. Hi boss! Can u give me an advice?!?!i need it! I have 40 d-bol pills (10mg), 40 oxandrolone pills(10mg), 10 AMP of primobolan depot (1ml=100mg) and obviously 25 tabs of nolva (20mg)..can i do something interesting with this stuff??let me know! Hugs from Italy

    • only difference is half life between propionate and the other 2. prop has a shorter half life and is best injected 3x/wk minimum Mon/Wed/Fri. The other esters can be injected once/wk

  31. Hi John,

    Great work on helping us beginners!

    I ran anavar at 40mg 1-6 weeks
    Today is my last shot of test cyp-prop (vial includes both esters 375mg per cc). It’s been 9 weeks today.

    Overall gains:
    Was 77.2kg day 1
    Today 83kg and far leaner! (I did get up to 87kg, probably water retention)

    I start my pct (hcg,nolva) 14 days from today.

    Question 1: Is there any real benefit / gains by extending my cycle another 3 to 6 weeks?

    Question 2: I’ve read on dosens of forums you should lay off until the next cycle based on the length of your last. So does this mean 9 weeks from today I can jump back on. Or 9 weeks from the last pct date?

    Question 3: lastly, how many times a year can you cycle? Is there a max before harming the body? Obviously blood tests will dictate but as a general rule/guideline from your experience?

    Thanks again.


  32. First off, loving this site, I love how informative and open it is. It’s difficult to find this type of information on the web, especially the first-hand aspect of it.

    I’ve been wanting to try my first cycle for a while but stopped exercising for about six months last year (was nursing dad, moved back home, he had terminal cancer, may he RIP.) I’m NOW working on getting back into shape but with no exercising for six months plus not on my diet (due to grief), I am starting FAR back.

    My question to you is, now that I’m beginning training again, would you recommend I use the 1 vial cycle first (or maybe even 4-6 weeks rather than 8) to give me a boost in getting back into shape and then do a proper Cycle #1 or Cycle #2 a few months later? (My diet is pretty much what you describe in your paleo post except I still eat oats, quinoa, brown rice, and yams.) OR should I wait a few months entirely?

    I feel like a small cycle will help me kickstart getting back into it but I really want to hear what your thoughts are on it, specifically.

    • No, I’d bust ass without it for awhile. I don’t believe in using anything as your “kickstart or motivation” to get back in the gym. I believe in using the stuff when it’s going to benefit you the most, and that’s after you get in shape first. I’m sorry to hear about your father, I understand that stuff like that can really take the wind out of your sail. Best of luck- JD

  33. John
    I have tren e an mast e i need cycle info how many times a week an how much ml first time on this cycle please help going nuts trying to get answers an im a huge fan of your site

    • Go twice/wk on them, 300mg/wk of each is good for first time, so 150/shot and you can load both into same syringe. I would get some testosterone in there man, even if it’s just 1cc/wk, you’ll be miserable without it if you’re running tren

  34. Hello everyone,

    I’ve decided to start a cycle for the first time and all the info in here seems extremely helpful so I really thank you for that. I also wanted to ask if there is any way anybody could give some advice or guide me on acquiring some test because I don’t even know where to start and doing an online search just gets me extremely confused. I don’t know if it’s even possible to have someone tell me where to get it but worth a try as I am in dire need of it since I’m going on a big vacation in 3 months and wanna look my best. Thanks in advance!

  35. John,

    Im on my 6th week of Deca/Test E/Dbol. (400 mgs/500mgs/40mgs) Ran .5 mgs of Arimdex and .5 mgs of caber EOD but gyno is flaring badly and I’ve developed a lump. Last pin was 2 days ago and I am stopping my cycle early. While I wait to take my PCT for 12 more days, what do you recommend for me to take while I wait? I have HCG , Clomid, Nolvadex, letro, and aromasin on hand. Some advice on which one to use and how much would be great. Thanks John.

    • You need to be using that letro and aromasyn NOW. It sounds to me like your arimadex and/or caber was bunk or you’re just extremely prone to gyno

      • Whats up man really like the info here just wonderin if can i buy the nolvadex and clomid on line easy like ebay or something there’s nobody I know I can talk to about this stuff and I see it on the sites but I don’t know if it’s the real stuff

  36. Hi Joe
    Im 6 foot 6″ 245 lbs about 11 % body fat looking to bulk up..What would the ideal cycle for me to start with? Test and dbol seems good but I would like to know dosages and my height and weight?

    • depends on prior cycle experience, but with genetics on your side I see no reason to go outside of what is recommended in the article if you’re new to cycling

  37. Hey, thank you for all the advise you give, and the time and effort you put forth to help us (everyone) out with this. I am a 34, 5′ 11″ and 155 lbs, been going to the gym regularly for 3 years, I am tall and lean. some where between 6-10% body fat, I am about to start my first cycle of test E 250. Using the 1 vial cycle, I eat pretty healthy, with protein shakes a couple times a day. I have held this weight for a long time, so is there any pointers or advise that you could give me?

  38. Sir in this 3 steroid beginners cycle, can I take TESTOSTERONE DEPOT instead of Testosterone enanthate or cypionate for the first TESTOSTERONE Only cycle.

    Please advise…

    Reason is that the test depot is easily available here..

  39. John i took the dbol test e stack exactly as you mentioned but m in the fourth week of it and i have some serious issue .i am passing some blood clots with my urine with a burning sensation.what to do please reply soon it has been only few days

  40. hi john, im 55 years old, working out for 25 years 4 times a week, more to look lean and vascular than big. im 5ft 8, 170lbs, around 12% bodyfat. 31″ waist. eat very clean but bored and stuck with progress. talked to my doc about going on test. he suggested testoviron depot 250 at 250mg a week indefinitely. im more into looking like a lean fitness model than a bodybuilder. am i doing the right thing? i want more definition, less fat and fuller muscles. i only eat chicken breasts,eggs, broccoli, sweet potato, cocnut oil, avocado, milk, coffee and carnivor whey. nothing else, no cheat days except maybe the odd dark chocolate cake. your suggestions would be most appreciated. thank you

    • Hey Billy, I want to know that the Testoviron depot 250, you mentioned is of German remedies or any other company. And if I’m right, it’s contents are testosterone enanthate 250 mg in 1 ml ampoule.

      And if it is of German remedies, I eagerly want to know about the results from that..

      Are they good, amazing or bad…

      I want to know since the Testoviron depot 250 is only test-e pharmaceutically available in my country and It is from German remedies.
      Also I have come across some bad reviews about it on the Internet.

      Please help me with some details…
      Thanks in advance…

  41. Hey John!
    First of all thanks for all the very helpful articles. I had been considering starting my first cycle ever and after some struggle I finally got my hands on two vials of sustanol 250. I’m 26 5’7 148 and about 18-20% body fat. Pretty average body… still very confused about the whole process but I know for a fact I just do a PCT and go clean for 8 weeks after finishing.
    My question is how should I go about this cycle and for how long? And do I need anything else while I run the cycle? I was told to do it once a week about 1 cc but I’d rather get some good insight, so what would you suggest? I have about 8-10 weeks to look as good as possible.
    Thanks for all your help. I really appreciate you helping a beginner out!

    • No, do not just shoot sustanon once/wk, it’s a combination of slow and fast acting esters and only once/wk doesn’t allow you to take full advantage of the fast acting test. 2 shots/wk at a minimum, most guys go with 3 shots/wk, but you can get away with twice/wk. I’d use 1cc twice/wk (ie: Mon/Thurs) and go for 8-10 wks on it. It’d be a good idea to include either 1/2mg everyyday of arimadex or 10-12.5mg everyday of aromasyn, one or the other. The long chain tests in the blend aromatize easier then the fast acting test. Definitely a good fail-safe to include the aromatase inhibitors during your cycle, they’ll also keep bloating to a minimum

  42. Good info and great read – EVERYTHING!
    I’ve been using Cypionate for 6mts medically through insurance at $10.00 a pop 10ml. .75cc of 200 with Ameridex 3x wk. I guess it’s actually 150cc per wk. This explains why It’s enough to f$&k my lovely wife more then a minute.
    So , medically I can’t inject more w/o lacking . My Dr. Also ,had me taking hcg 11000iu at 1.5cc twice a week within 12wk per office visit.

    Let say I got my hands on:
    Avanar 50mg .ED
    EQ300 .Wkly
    Cypionate 0.75 Wkly. (Amridex 3x per wk)
    Super Mandro 3x ED (from your site link)

    Will this stack provide me some visible results in physique ( cutting) I went from 36waist to at present 34waist in 5 mts on cypionate. I’m learner but I workout alot n eat clean . I want strength 225lb bench @20 rep but perfer a lean physique natural 13%-15% BMI .

    • Yes, you should see some good results if your diet is clean and your training is right. I would use the Mandro the first month of your cycle though, you’ll be tighter off it than on it. A lot of bodybuilders stick to the basics the first 6-8 wks of a cutting cycle and only switch to fast acting stuff the last 4-6 wks to help shed any possible water weight put on by orals or slower esters. But it’s really all diet man, look at Arnold’s day, those guys were using mostly deca and Dbol and cutting for shows, they just dropped it out the last 2 wks before the show usually

  43. Sir I have more fat on my body.
    Currently on a clean diet.

    My waist is 35 but my stomach region measures 37(month before 39)
    My height is 5.8 and weight 84.5kgs which a month before was 88kg.

    I can bench press 70-80 kgs @ max 8-6 reps (with rod weight 80-100)

    Sir my muscles are not full visible due to body fat.
    Never used steroids before.. Thus I want to ask that can I go for these BEGINNERS CYCLES as I can pack some great muscle mass with this.

    Since here from before a month my diet is always clean.

    So can I go for these cycles or
    Any other cycle for muscle gain with fat loss.

    Please suggest…

    • no, continue to lose more fat first. Begin the cycle once you’ve dieted long enough to see some sort of abs, you’ll be much happier with your results

      • But sir what will happen if I start from now, is there any problem with it?

        Can I loose fat along with cycle?

        Rather I want to ask, could I go for any fat burning cycle…, if any from you?

        Please help me out?
        Please get me answers for each of my questions…
        I would be extremely grateful.

  44. HI John.
    Quick question:
    30 yrs old,, 170 lb. 5’9, fairly lean (10%) hard gainer, 10 yrs of lifting in…
    I have just started my first cycle ever at 500 mg a week of test e. I
    have everything down pat, only thing i am still questioning is PCT. i have liquid nolva and arimidex ready because that is what i was planning on using for the recovery. Should i get some clomid? Any advice is greatly appreciated from someone as knowledgeable as yourself.

    • yea, you would definitely benefit from clomid in there. Just 50mg/day for 20 days is all you need, begin 2 wks after your last poke and run it for 20 days. Keep the nolvadex at 20mg/day and no more, you don’t need more. On the arimadex stick with 1/2mg a day, I would do just a 3 wk PCT here. You don’t need to go overboard on just 500mg/wk test

      • I am about a week in could i just start running my arimidex now? i was originally gonna use it just in case of gyno, but have been reading about alot of benefits i could prob use at my age. Just dont want to go overboard on the pct orals and tax my body more than i have to. Thanks for the replys btw John.

  45. Hey John, great site and thank you for your work in keeping the community properly informed!
    Im 36 and have been training hard for 19 years NATURALLY! I know my diet and can bulk or cut as I see fit. But Im exhausted and losing energy and stamina yearly it feels like. After recent bloodwork my teat is slightly low for my age but not by 50% yet. Ive made the decisionto begin gear and purchased 2x bottles of Test E 300mg from a reputable close source. I want to stay looking and feeling good for the long haul and small but enough to see good gains!

    Im currently running your advised Osta-red and pct-red cycle. When thats over I plan to wait 4 weeks then think to begin your 500mg/wk plan with clomid to follow.

    What dosing schedule would you advise for the year planning out two cycles of 1 bottle each of the Test E 300mg?

    Thanks brother!!

    • Run it straight through at 300/wk for 10 wk cycles, at your age and already down on test you would benefit more from this over the typical pyramid. The pyramid is more for guys who are younger and already have adequate test levels to begin with

  46. Hi John,
    I need your advice regarding the first cycle.
    I have 1 vial test-e and another test-cypo.
    So I want to ask, Can I use test-cypo for first 5 weeks and then test-e for the remaining 5 weeks.
    Will it be good?

    Also I can easily manage to have shots twice a week, so will you advice 250mg(1ml) twice or 500mg (2ml) once a week would be better.

    Please suggest..
    Thanks in advance

  47. How does this sound? Got nearly all of my info from your website so, thank you. I added Clen to it and was wondering how this 8 week cycle looks to you?

    Test E
    * 1 injection/week of 200-250mg
    * 50mg/day for last 6 weeks
    Clomid & Nolva
    * 2 weeks after cycle
    * 50/50/20/20
    * 40/40/20/20
    * .25 – .5mg every other day for last 6 weeks
    * Day 1: 20mcg
    * Day 2: 40mcg
    * Day 3: 60mcg
    * Day 4: 80mcg
    * Day 5: 80mcg
    * Day 6-12: 100mcg
    * Day 13: 80mcg
    * Day 14: 60mcg

  48. I just started my first test cyp cycle. I am using 300mg/twice a week, running a 10wk cycle. Would you suggest any PCT? Or using nolvadex during this cycle? Thanks for all the great information.

    • you probably wouldn’t need anything during the cycle but sometimes you dont know your ggyno prone until you get symptoms. I would run a small amount of aromatase inhibitor during the cycle. Either arimadex or REd PCT would work as well, 1 cap per day if using that supplement, if using adex then 1/2mg 3x/wk. And wait 2 wks after ur last shot to begin traditional PCT for post cycle recovery. You could use nolva for 4 wks at 40/30/20/20 or adex at 1/2mg everyday, you would also wanna use clomid as well

  49. Hi John

    I’m 6″1 85kgs 8% body fat.
    Looking to run a 12 cycle on test e an Deca .

    Was going to run 400mgs of test an 200mgs of Deca every 3rd day for the first 6weeks an then change doses around to keep the body guessing . But I’ll stop the Deca at 10weeks two weeks before end of test . What do you think ? What’s the best PCT to use ?

    • sounds fine. On PCT I’d go with arimadex, aromasyn, or arimistane (Red-PCT)
      HCG if you can get it, run 2500iu/wk for 2 wks, on adex go 1/2mg daily for 3-4 wks, if using aromasyn then 20mg/day first 10 days, 10mg/day next 10 days, something along those lines. If using Red-PCT then 3 caps per day for 30 days

  50. I’m trying to figure out how many vials of Winstrol I need from a particular website that I have found.
    I’m running an 8 week cycle with 50mg/day of Winstrol the last 6 weeks. How many vials would I need for this?

    This is what it says word for word :

    Size: 1 amp, 50 amps, 100 amps
    Type: Injectables suspension
    Dosage: 50mg/ml/amp
    Active ingredient: Stanozolol
    Product synonyms: Winstrol

  51. Hi there, I’m currently on 3ml of test cyp every 14 days ( Dr. prescribed) . I have 50 dbol 25 mg tabs, 50 winstrol 20 mg tabs, I want to put on more size so what would you recommend that I do with what I have, thanks.

    • swallow them, LOL. J/k, I wouldn’t use both at the same time that’s for sure, use the dbol at 25mg/day for 50 days, save winny for later

  52. Hi John!Wath do u think about a primobolan depot- anadrol cycle?I have 10ml of primo depot and 20 tabs of anadrol50.I wanna stay light on drol, using 25mg a day.Its a good idea for you?Can you give me some advices?i have also nolva (30 tabs of 20mg) and a lot of sylimarin and liv52.Please let me know if i can do something interesting with this stuff! Your site is really good, and your articles are the best out there. Never seen a Guy like u in this Crazy world of gyms! Have a nice day! Dave

  53. Hey John, im a little confused i read your ” 1 vial begginer cycle” from 2013 and it said one bottle of 250mg/ml would be enough for your first cycle. Now your saying 500mg a week is a good begginer cycle. I only have one bottle of test e 250mg/ml , a bottle of liquid ai, and a bottle of liquid clomid. Do you still reccomend the 1 vial cycle? Or should i wait and get another bottle. Thanks -Dave

    • Dave, let me clear the air here on some of the confusion… I recommend the 1 vial cycle for someone who is either A. younger or either B. already has high levels of natural testosterone. Now, the typical middle aged male who already had declining levels of natural testosterone COULD go with 500 mg/wk for 10 wks. Recovery is recovery at that point and if you’re going to do it then I see nothing wrong with getting the most out of that first cycle. But what you have to realize is a male with a starting level of high average test levels can still yield the same benefits of someone who is middle range-low end of normal and uses 500mg/wk of test. In either case the person can still gain a solid 20 lbs of muscle from either 1 or 2 vials, the determining factor on this is what they were at to begin with

  54. Thank you for your quick response, I am 24, 205 pounds and have been seriously working out for about 3 years. I recently got a bottle of 250 mg/ml test ethanate and from researching i had the impression it wouldnt be enough, and often read 500 mg a week was the best option. The problem is i only had the one vial. Not sure what to do i bought some LGD4033 and have been taking it for almost 4 weeks. Not too thrilled with any results yet started at 3mg and worked up to 6. Iv noticed some fat loss but i feel like iv gotten smaller, not too sure. Anyway im interested in doing the test cycle because im frusturated right now. Do you think the 250ml/mg 1 vial cycle will benefit me the way you suggested it? Also i know you mentioned clomid for pct, i currently have liquid clomid, and liquid ai. Is the ai not neccasary ? Also no need to for hcg?. Sorry for all the questions theres just so many opinions out there and from watching your videos you seem to know your stuff. Thanks

    • Dave, run your cycle exactly like the article suggests. EXACTLY AS WRITTEN, train your balls off and eat enough to grow and you’ll see the results

      • Sounds good. Im on week 4 of LGD-4033 only cycle, can i stop the lgd and start the Test Cycle today or would you reccomend finishing the 6-8 week lgd cycle, mini pct and then wait 4 weeks. Thanks

      • Im on a lgd4033 cycle right now (week 4) can i start the test cycle today or do i have to wait to finish the lgd cycle, mini pct, and then another 4 weeks?

    • shoot me an email under contact, it’s too much to lay out in the comment box and there are certain precautions women need to be aware of

  55. I’m 33 and have had 3 shoulder surgery I used to lift like crazy. I’m finally back to where I can get lift again and I’m jumping head head
    I’m wanting winstrole and test what’s the best doses

  56. Sorry I’m 33 had 3 right shoulder surgeries put on a bunch of weight lost all my muscle. I used to use and lift like crazy I’m just now able to start again. I’m going to be useing winstrole and a test what’s the best way to use and doses I’m trying to cut up shred up not get big

    • Man I don’t know if winny is a good one to use if you’re still having shoulder issues. If you’re pain free then that’s a different story. Keep with lighter to moderate weights while running winny, make sure you use a joint supplement while on it, and drink plenty of water. I’m a low test guy so I’d keep it at 200mg/wk and just run 50mg/day of winny for 6 wks while running the test out 8-10 wks

      • What would you suggest in place of the win. I’m doing 2 hours of cardio every morning before work Iv lost 46 lbs already. I am a clean eater again. Nothing but water 0 crap if it’s got more than one Ingredient in I don’t touch it
        Do you have an email ? I’m going for shred not size I’m a big guy already

  57. Hey Brother!

    I’m from Cuba and I recently visited my country where I had the opportunity to get some testosterones that a friend of mine gave me for free(he works at the hospital, so the tests are original)????The only thing is that they are 100mg/ml only. I have in my hands 17 ampoules of Test E and 15 ampoules of Test cyp. Can you address me on how to build my cicle with these 2 compounds? This is my 3rd circle, the 1st two were easier to figure out because the vials were 250mg/ml. I wanna keep it simpler this time. I’m planning to do a 10weeks cicle. Thank you in advance????

    • hit 2 separate shots per week of 2cc’s each for 8 wks. Load 1cc of test e and 1 cc of test cyp in same poke, so inject spaced out such as Mon/Thurs inject schedule. That will give you 400mg/wk for 8 wks. That’s how I’d use it anyways

      • Hey man! I realized that my test cyp is 200mg/ml and not 100 as I said before. So, I have test cyp (200mg/ml) and test e (100mg/ml). How can I distribute my cicle with these compounds for let’s say, 8 weeks? Thanks again :)

        • 1.25cc of each for 8 weeks, that will put you right at 375mg/wk x 8 wks. You can draw them up in the same barrel and hit just once a week

  58. John d im a 15 year old bought test and deca and I’m unsure of what or how to start what do you recommend for me test and deca or something else… wanna make gain for summer and wrestling season first cycle and pumped

    • I do not recommend anyone at your age to use steroids. You want to be big? Then do not use them yet because you’re only shortchanging your gains in the long run. Your body is full of testosterone right now naturally, you do not need to take steroids. Taking steroids at 15 years old will not help you, it will hurt you, trust me

      • OK I won’t use them it’s cause I’m an ectomorph and I want to get big… should I take mass gainer instead

        • Yes, right now you need calories and compound movements like bench, squat, deadlift, rows….you’re making the right choice!!! And a mass gainer is fine

  59. I would like to start a dbol/superdrol +test (E/C undecided) cycle. You have answered so many beginner questions, its unreal! Thanks for that. I havent trained since 18 im not 24. 6 ft 1 and high bf.. around 25% if i eaten clean on dbol and test would i lose weight while packing on muscle? As i haven’t trained in a while im guessing i should go big quick also?
    I am going to have everything there ready just incase. Do i eat double the 2500 calories while on cycle even if i want to sort of lose weight but gain muscle? Alot of questions and sorry but you would be doing me a huge favour. Will buy some of your Tee’s for the heads up!
    Will probs do 500mg a week test 2x a week and 30-50 dbol

  60. I think i might finally found the right place to get a good advice. John makes it so simple.
    I am 27 years old and had 5 years of fitness training before i got ibs-d and became sick in 2010 and since then lost intrest in training and i dropped from 95kg to 84 now and got a little fat on the belly. Now that my ibs-d is controleable but still cant eat diary products. my goal is to get big and dont care much if it is clean muscle or not.
    After many research for months now i have decided to go with a begynners cycle of test e 200 mg/e3d for 12 weeks. soon both test e and nolva will be on hand but not sure when i can get arimidex.
    can i do 300-400 mg/wk of test e and using nolva on and off without needing arimidex ?
    can i start with an ostarine cycle week 11 or 12 and do pct of nolva on week 15 when at the same time on ostarine ? also if i can take osta until week 20 can i then begyn test e ?

    another alternative:
    can i do test e for 10 weeks 400mg/wk and then 100mg/week for another 10 weeks and then a pct of nolva after that ?

    • I would let the cycle be the cycle and then PCT, it doesn’t make much sense to stop anabolics and continue on with Ostarine as it’ll just make recovery harder and using a post cycle therapy during Osta is pointless. If anything I’d stack Ostarine with the cycle and when you end both then do a true PCT and take some time off before using anything else again. My .02

    • All I can tell you is possibly use a joint supplement with chondroitin, MSM, glucosamine. The shin splints are probably coming from certain movements and not the steroids though

  61. Hey John,
    I’m a 21 year old bodybuilder who has done 1 cycle of test/d-bol and a PCT. However, for me the lull during post cycle was terrible and all I wanted was for my testosterone levels to spike back up again. They eventually did, but it was a struggle getting through it. I dont want to have to take steroids my whole life, but i really enjoy the gains brought on by them. Any suggestions as to how to go about taking steroids without being dependent on them for the rest of your life?


  62. Hello Sir,
    I m using Bolden 100mg and Drive 100mg per week.
    But in first use i get serious acne on my body.
    Now i stop it.
    Just wnaa ask are the compounds safe to use?

  63. Sir,
    Hiw to cure that acne as its really baad and I can’t remove my shirt in gym or at anyother place.
    I want to ask that which cycle is best for me as i m a beginner.

    • If it’s that bad you’re going to need a medicated wash and probably an antibiotic. I’d go to the dermatologist before doing anything else. A cycle is only going to make it worse. This could also be a case of hormones out of whack which is usually the most common scenario.

  64. Hi John!
    I m 21, I have BOLDEN M250 10ml and DRIVE 10ml.
    I just want to ask that how can i use these compounds in a cycle and how much dose is good for me as i m a beginner.
    Just let me know that these compunds are good for me or i should buy some other stuff. If u prefer me to use some other stuff, tell me their name.

    • I’m not familiar with those supplements, they sound decent but I cannot comment on them as I’ve never used them or know anyone who has

  65. hello sir…I’m a regular follower of your website, Thanks for the knowledgeable articles from you.

    My body stats are
    Age : 24
    Weight: 78 kgs
    Body fat % : 17%
    Height : 180cm

    This is my first injectable cycle,previously i did d bol only cycle for 6 weeks. I have a 20 ml of test propionate, 50 anavar tablets, And i have access to nolvadex, clomid and arimidex. Even i can buy HCG if u advice me to do so. Please provide me a general idea or a structure on how to perform my cycle with less side effects.

  66. Hi John, could do with your help please,

    I am after a cycle that would give me some quick ish results and solid gains,

    I want to bulk up a little and mainly keep lean and cut.

    I have enough Decca, Sustanon, primo,anavar,enanthate, clomid, arimidex, aromasin and proviron and can get hold of dianobol if needed.

    Luckily i have a good friend of mine who is a chemist and i get all of it from a well known Uk pharmacy brand.

    I am thinking of a cycle such as

    Week 1-12

    250mg sustanon x 2 a week — 14 weeks
    250mg decca x2 a week — 12 week
    Maybe throw inn for first 4 week 40mg of dianabol

    And after that for another 8 weeks

    500mg a week of primo
    500mg a week test e
    40mg a day anavar

    Ive done a few cycles before but to be honest i dont think the stuff was propper legit and didnt seem to get much from it, now i know its 1000% real i would like to do a propper cycle but at the same time keep my health in safe hands obviously bear in mind there are risks with everything.

    I would appreciate your advice in this matter and maybe draw me up a plan of what to take and how, and most importantly pct whats best and how.

    Regars Peter

    • Well, it’s mostly going to be diet on determining how lean you can stay while gaining. If you’re not on test replacement therapy that is too long to cycle. You’d be best to break that into 2 separate cycles with adequate time off between each

  67. Thanks for your reply,

    So what you suggest a decent cycle would be first? Just sus and decca with a bit of dbol along?

    And is 500mg a week of each enough or too much? And for pct what would you recomend?

    I will be doing a decent diet too,

    Am 30 years old, 95 kg amd have a little bit of a belly lol but not fat fat!

  68. Sir John Doe

    I am @20% body fat endomorph
    And if i want to gain muscles will 8 weeks of test e and dbol cycle work for me only thing i am concerned about is my bodyfat !
    Please suggest

  69. I am 34 and found a doc who is providing me with test injections every week. He doesn’t really monitor it and I been on it for over 6 months. I gained about 15-20lbs of muscle. Should I cycle off it? Or is it ok to use every week?

    • The only time I’d ever recommend completely cycling off is the 2-3 weeks prior to a blood draw to make sure you’re in normal range so insurance will keep covering the script. Other than that, I’d occasionally cycle down to 100mg/wk for periods of 6-8 weeks, but no reason to come off it now, you’re on test replacement and it’s for life. You aren’t coming back on your own

  70. Hey john!
    I m 21, blood group A+, a friend of mine who is a dealer of steroids and coach as well recommended me a cycle which includes the following steriods

    primobol vail 10 ml
    testomaxx vail 10 ml
    stanabol vail 10 ml
    anavar 60 tabs
    anabol 60 tabs.

    I just wana ask you that is it suitable for me?
    Do i have to use it?
    Does blood group matters in takeing steroids?

    • no, blood group doesn’t really matter, but just 10ml of primo, stanazolol, and 60 tabs of anavar isn’t enough dose of any of them to do jack shit, it’s a waste of money. Dude, you need like 3-4 vials of primo to much of anything and at least a cpl vials of winny. You’d be much better off just using a couple of those compounds at a decent dosage

      • Well john em reall thankfull to you for guiding me. I just need a little more favour from you.
        Can you please tell me a cycle for lean muscles like something really very good.
        I m 5ft 5inch
        Weight 60kg
        Skiny type body.
        Give me a cycle which realy gives me much benefit without much side effects.

  71. Hi John

    Ive decided to go with 500mg of sus Mon/THurs
    And 375mg decca Mon/Thurs

    And also using Dbol 40mg for the first 4-5 weeks

    25mg proviron daily

    Thinking of adding 500iu hcg a week divided at 250mg

    And also thinking of adding 1mg of adex a week spilt at 0.5 mon and thurs.

    Please could you give me your input into this, any suggestion of increasing or decreasing any dosage or items?


  72. Thanks man


    I feel a little bloated with only 1 Tab of 1mg arimidex but going to give it at least a week and then see maybe add another one max so 2 mg a week and see if any issues down there or joints.

    Will keep you updated:-)

    Thanks again.

  73. Hi john I’m interested in running a test cycle haven’t really done much training, could I use the test cycle to build a solid foundation then go onto stacks in the future rather than training for a year or two before even touching steroids? Thanks in advance

    • I wouldn’t, the only time I would ever suggest taking anything is when you’ve exhausted all other avenues, I certainly wouldn’t do a cycle just to get started with training. It’s a total waste

      • Thanks for the quick reply I have a diet and training programme in place I’ll work hard and see where I’m at in the future thanks

  74. Hey John your tips and advice are invaluable thank you so much for taking the time to answer questions I apologize if I don’t get all the terminology correct I’m a newbie. I’m currently on my first cycle at a conservative 300mg per week of Test C. Would I need to take any AI’s along the way or any for a post cycle therapy? Also, I’m 38 and want to run a low dose all the time just to feel good, can I run a low dose post cycle with an AI and be fine?

      • Hi john, this is a similar question so i thought id tack on here..

        How often can i run test?
        Im 40 years old.

        Is this something i can continue if im commited to long term use?

        If not how many cycles a year (frequency) can i do?

        I have run test & test/tren in the past with pct. My libido shit the bed, but function was still 100% when i finally got into the mood lol.

        Advice is appreciated.

  75. Hey John Doe I have a few questions I’m a first time user and wanted to do a cycle of test and deca. How much do you recommend to take and do I need to take anything else with them during or after ? And also a good website to order from and how much to order. Thank you in advance

    • I’d recommend purchasing Straight from the Underground and as for source info, you’re on your own on that, sorry

  76. Hye sir my question is after doing a cycle if i wish to do only 1 , i have great results and then i dtop will my gains go off ?
    My height is 182cms weight is 85kgs used to be an ectomorph but did put some fat while doing a bulk i am at 17-18% .
    My advantages is that i figur put i have a narrow waist nice genetics nice bones not so thick and blocky . I want to put lean muscle mass i am traning since 8 months regularly have a good enough diet + nice combinaison of supplements my age is 19 (this october will be 19) so i want you to tell me a good cycle at my bodyweight for examole i was thinking of using test c + dbol+ deca for my first cycle , still my question is will my gains dissapear after my cycle if i dont do any cycle after this and according to me bodyweight is it okay this cycle ? ( of course i will use clomid and nalvadox to prevent gyno and for the pct ) .
    Test c : 400mg/a week for 10 weeks
    Deca : 200 mg/a week for 10 weeks
    Dbol: 45mg/a day for first four weeks.
    Nolva: 20mg/a day through cycle and post cycle
    Clomid: for pct

  77. Hi John

    i just got 2 bottles of Test Enanthate and a bottle of 10mg DBOL and nolvadex from the pharmacy

    how do i run them as a beginner cycle… im confused in regards to test E… i hear its a 12 week cycle but here you mention 8? does it make any difference?

    and is their any specific timings for the injections before workouts or in the early mornings etc?

    • 8 or 12 weeks, recovery is faster from 8 weeks though. Gains start to diminish after the first 8 weeks anyways. No specific timing of day, the shot wont even be in your system for several days. Just try to hit the same day each week

      • thanks John

        The cycle i mentioned would it affect my liver? like should i take anything to protect my liver or is it completely safe? and one more question… what sort of side effect might i endure?

  78. Thanks for the great info! I am starting the TEST ONLY cycle. Should I continue to take supplements (creatine, whey protein, BCAAs. etc) while training or are they now a waste of time/effort/money? Will the supplements provide any added benefit while on cycle?

  79. What is the dosing schedule to blast and cruise with TEST only? What is the dosing schedule to blast and cruise with TEST + DBOL? What are the differences with each (pros, cons, etc)? Is cycle support the same with each?

  80. Hi John!

    I would like to give me and advice about this first cycle. I would like to start with this cycle:
    – 1-10 250mg test e
    – 1-13 80mg var pd
    – adex .5mg eod
    – 2 pils liv52 per day.
    After that i would start the PCT.

    What do you thing? Thank you very much and sorry for disturbing you!
    Best regards,

  81. I’m on 200 mg of test cypianate every 4 days under dr supervision, but my diet has been garbage. I’m eating cleaner and upping my clean calories to try and pack on muscle. I’ve been on test for about 2.5 years. Should I throw dbol 5 of 5mg tabs per day and just maintain my test cypianate throughout? Currently 270lbs at 17% bf.

    • no, fix the diet, do not add dbol. It’ll do nothing but throw on quick bloat with where you’re at now. I’d just clean the diet up man

  82. I’m 45, 6’6″ 235lbs. I started off around 25-27% body fat and have dieted my way down so far to about 18-19% BF to get in enough shape to take my first cycle.
    **Test E @ 500mg and Proviron @ 50mg**
    I’m starting to get anxious from staring at my gear every day and wanting to plan how I’m going to do things. Would I be stupid to cave in and start my cycle at `18%BF instead of getting down in the 12-15% range like I keep reading people suggest doing?

    • It’s up to you, but I would use the cycle when you get down a little more in bf%, you shouldn’t lose muscle in the 12-15% range and then the gear can be used to either effectively build up from that point more efficiently or continue to diet down and not lose muscle (or recomp). But as a first timer running testosterone, I would take advantage of the muscle gains off it and try to build. You’re not going to see the full effect by simply using it while cutting. So diet down more over the next 4-6 weeks, THEN start the cycle. Just my opinion

  83. hi john great page you got…. very smart

    im 33 5’11 190lbs

    the last cycle I had was in 2007… did a bulk cycle with test e and dbol all was good

    no pct as back then we werent that informed was young.. source was after money

    then couple weeks on to a cutting cycle didnt know what he was giving me as i trusted him at first since i been training in the same gym for 7 years.. but after research i think i was given primo winny and tren for cutso i endured alot of sides such as anxiety panic attacks bloat and acid reflux and shortness of breath… anyhow after doing alot of research for the last couple of years i decided to do it the right way by learning how to dose and get proper gear from a trusted source which i did… and i only felt normal again 3 years ago anyhoo sorry about the long briefing

    my questions

    1- so its okay to run a test only cycle as if im a beginner or would you recommend the test e dbol all over again and would 500mg test e with 40 mg dbol a day split be okay?

    2- as for pct… i have nolva 20… hcg 5000iu
    ill take 2 weeks or preferebly 3 weeks after last injection with nolva 20mg a day for 20 days.

    3- whens the best time to take hcg or will i suffer no shutdown?

    • Go with your #1 suggestion, just run dbol the first 4-6 weeks. Take HCG right after your last shot and use 2500iu/wk x 2 wks. Do 20mg/day of nolva during HCG and 2 wks thereafter.

        • yea, thats what I would do. You want to use something alongside your HCG because HCG can cause estro elevation from the spike in test conversion during recovery. Thats why I said to start it with HCG

    • I’d have it on hand during cycle just in case, but whether to use or not all depends on amount of Dbol being used, also how gyno prone you are. It wouldnt hurt to use 10mg/day on anything over 25 mg/day of dbol. Yes, nolva can be used for PCT if you don’t have clomid, it’ll still help restart your testosterone through leuitinizing hormone stimulation

  84. Hi John!

    Just want to ask about clomid. Clomid is now faced out here in my country. Does other clomiphene citrate do the job like clomid does? Example is ovamit.



  85. Okay, so I’ve finally decided to do a cycle. However the only thing so far that I seem to be able to get my hands on is a blend of all 4 testosterone. 150mg of test deca , 90mg test Isoca , 90mg Phenyl, 45mg test propionate. The vail is 375mg. And the pharmaceutical is koho labs. Bullshit?? Or what? Should I wait to find just pure test instead ?

    • I’m not familiar with a lot of newer and different labs now. However if you’re going to use that then you need to hit it twice a week. It has test prop in it, you wont get full advantage of the prop only going once/wk on it, I’d do 1/2cc 2x/wk (ie; mon morning/thurs night)x 10 weeks

      • Hi John!

        Just want to ask about clomid. Clomid is now faced out here in my country. Does other clomiphene citrate do the job like clomid does? Example is ovamit.



  86. John, I had started the 500mg test only cycle using cyp. And a combination of paranoia about sides, outside issues, and the former two messing my diet all up, I’m deciding to stop early. I had been splitting it up 250mg twice a week and had done my third dose (second week), how should I handle PCT, should I alter it from normal? I have both clomid and nolva on hand, thanks.

  87. Hi John,
    I’m planning to have my first steroid cycle this month . Alongside test cypionate I’m also willling to run boldenone. Would it help me gain some lean mass and at the same time get me some definition ?

  88. Hey john. I just want to find out .im a hard gainer and i want to use test once of just to put on some mass.will that gains i get form test last ? And 4 how long ? What test should i use? And after useing test should i use pct?


  89. Thanks very much John for your insights and guidance–I truly appreciate it!

    I would appreciate your thoughts on the following:

    Am 36 years old and am about to start my first-ever cycle on injectible steroids. I have been working out intensely for last five months (5 days per week, 2 hours of no-nonsense weights+cardio sessions–best i can do since I have a 10-12 hour desk job) and have, perhaps, prepared my body for steroid intake: from 25% body fat, i am now about 13% body fat with good lean muscles. My diet is mainly proteins (1 gram of protein for every pound I weigh). I currently weigh about 165 pounds. So far, I have used the following supplements/steroids: iso 100 protein powder, glutamine, BCAA, CLA, L-Carnitine, Clenbeturol and Cytomel/T3.

    Am about to start a Testosterone Ethanate and Winstrol cycle for 10 weeks followed by PCT.

    Am being advised to take between 250-500 mg of Testosterone per week and between 50-100mg of Winstrol per week (yes, per week and not per day), for 10 weeks.

    While I do not want to bulk up crazy, i would like to have a body with lean, decent size, muscle mass and very good definition (more like fitness models and not hardcore body builders)

    Based on the above, I would love to get your thoughts on how I should proceed.




  90. How many times should I inject test e per week for the second cycle? Should I do 2x 125mg or just 1x 250 mg per week? Can I increase the dose to 300 mg/week?

    • for a second cycle I’d increase dosage or do a stack, your body isn’t always going to respond to the same things as you grow bigger

  91. Hi John,

    Im 34 179 at 11.5% bf. I was recently diagnosed low T. Total test was between 200-250ng/dl. They are giving me 200mg test cyp every other week. Can I supplement this with my own test cyp so I am taking 500mg a week? Should I also load with propinate at 100mg 3 days a week to jump start some gains? I am going to try and stop TRT after 12 weeks and do clomid and nolva to see if my test levels come up naturally, any insight.


    • doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. TRT means replacement, replacing what is lost. I think you need to either decide on TRT for life or not to use steroids and see if you can get your levels back up higher on your own. If they do not come back up within a couple blood draws then I know I’d be going the TRT route myself.

    • doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. TRT means replacement, replacing what is lost. I think you need to either decide on TRT for life or not to use steroids and see if you can get your levels back up higher on your own. If they do not come back up within a couple blood draws then I know I’d be going the TRT route myself.

  92. hey john,

    Im 18 and considering starting a cycle but have a few questions first. Im 5′ 11″ – 6″ and about 175-178 depending on the time of day and about 10-12%bf. I’ve been training for about 5 years and about 2.5 very seriously. I always wrestled in highschool and could never do a full bulk (cut from 180 to 152 senior year). Now that im out I plan on bulking up and the goal is to be at a lean 190-195 by next summer. My main concern is that starting softmore year i had very mild gyno. no itching or anything, just a small mass build up under the nipple. my question is should this be something I need to worry about and are there any specific measures i could take to prevent it from returning? My second question is are the majority of the gains made on a first time cycle usually sustained? I don’t plan on doing a second cycle anytime soon if at all. essentially I’d just like to use this cycle to catch back up to where i would have been had i not cut so much weight my junior/senior year.

    • #1- you need to be using an aromatase inhibitor during cycle and keep dosing moderate, #2- if your plan is 1 and done then your better off not touching it

    • yes, just make sure you always aspirate the needle to make sure no blood comes up in it from hitting a vein. You wanna go on upper outside of thigh

  93. A lot of guys seem to recommend 100/100/50/50 for Clomid PCT rather than your 50 for 20 days recommendation. Is that overkill in your opinion?

    • most definitely overkill for most cycles. During recovery the recovery agents become more of an issue than if someone took nothing at all, because all of these guys are so scared they go overkill on everything. This throws their hormones even further out of whack. It’s not like you run a cycle, use a good PCT, and bamm you’re recovered, it’s more like take an additional cpl months off AFTER PCT and see if your recovered

  94. This is directed towards anyone running his first test-only cycle: even though this article says you’ll feel it in 2-3 weeks, it personally took me 6 weeks to notice and “feel” the physiological changes from 600mgs/wk of Test E. I honestly was getting nervous that my gear was bunk by week 5, but then week 6 hit me like BAM. All gravy from there. So be patient. Maybe it’s because I had high test to begin with at 25 years old, but that’s my experience.

  95. I don’t know anybody that uses gear so I’m trying to do this stuff myself are PCT difficult to get like test or can I just buy them online easy anywhere

    • your best bet is to join an anabolics bodybuilding forum, or bodybuilding forum that has source advertisements. Check out the posts from other members and see who has had experience good or bad with whom

  96. I am a 53 yr old male that has been lifing 3-4 days/week for the
    past 38 yrs. (5’10, 185 lbs)

    I have never used any ‘supplements’ (steroids) but would like
    to experiment with D-bol and Test.

    What dosage should I use for each to gain mass?

    You feedback is greatly appreciated.

  97. Hi John

    I’m 41 years old and never been on a cycle. I’ve been working out steady for a couple years

    I recently picked up a pile of gear.

    Test 400 Mix of E and Cyp 20 ml bottle
    Nandrolone Decanoate 250mg/ml 20ml bottle (Decabol)
    Drostanolone Enanthate 200mg/ml 10ml bottle (Masten)
    Trenbolone Enanthate 200mg/ml 10 ml bottle (Trenen)
    Anavar 20 mg 60tab bottle

    Tamoxifen 20mg 60tabs (Tamax)
    Jeotrop 5000 iu Human Chorlonic Gonadotropin

    This is my first time and some of this stuff is way too much for the first go.

    From what I have here, what do you think is the best for a first time cycle?

    And what should the dosage and schedule be?

    Any advise is greatly appreciated

  98. Hey, man, I recently sent you an e-mail, but just in case, I will ask the same thing here. I’m a 6’2, 235 pound 21 year old and I’ve been thinking about doing my first cycle soon. Do you have any dosage recommendations for a Test + Deca cycle? I assume you’re going to recomment the “1 vial cycle” to me in terms of Test dosages, but how should I dose Deca and for how long? Also, what kind of Test should I get? Enanthate or Cypionate? Thanks in advance.

  99. Hi John

    I’m 41 years old and never been on a cycle. I’ve been working out steady for a couple years.

    I am 5’8″ 184lbs

    I recently picked up a pile of gear.

    Test 400 Mix of E and Cyp 20 ml bottle
    Nandrolone Decanoate 250mg/ml 20ml bottle (Decabol)
    Drostanolone Enanthate 200mg/ml 10ml bottle (Masten)
    Trenbolone Enanthate 200mg/ml 10 ml bottle (Trenen)
    Anavar 20 mg 60tab bottle

    Tamoxifen 20mg 60tabs (Tamax)
    Jeotrop 5000 iu Human Chorlonic Gonadotropin

    This is my first time and some of this stuff is way too much for the first go.

    From what I have here, what do you think is the best for a first time cycle?

    And what should the dosage and schedule be?

    Any advise is greatly appreciated

  100. Hey John I’m nearing end of a 375mg a week of test e cycle for 12 weeks and I’ve put on a solid 15 pounds. I have clomid and nolva and also a bottle of red pct. just wondering what i should run for pct. Everywhere I look says different. So I came here to get your input. Thanks

    • begin clomid 2 wks post injection and use 50mg/day for 20 days, take 3 caps/day of REd PCT starting now -30 days after, on the nolvadex, just 10mg/day for 4 weeks. This should be more than enough for PCT

  101. Dear John,

    Your reviews always helped alot can you please suggest i going for off and dont want to add toooooo much just 10 to 15 lb of pure muscles.
    I am planing to take some long chain test E or cyp with dbal and tren act kindly give your review and suggestion.

    • yes, tren works although I personally don’t use it anymore because it’s a very harsh compound. I would limit the dbol to the first 4 weeks of the cycle, then switch to tren the remaining 6-8 wks, I think Dbol and tren at the same time is too harsh myself. That’s what I’d do anyways, I did that in the past and it was a good cycle, did half the cycle with Dbol and then the other half with tren, alongside test the entire cycle

  102. Thank you john for your advice won’t take tren as you said, My bad luck I meet with a wrist injury so now have to wait for a month to start my cycle and I read somewhere deca is good for bone and ligament tear so right now I am planning to go with the cycle given on your blog i.e 250 mg deca per week + testosterone cypionate 400mg per week + 20 mg anabol per day (5mg pink color hexagonal tablet )
    would love to see your comment on this cycle and once again thanks for your advice.

  103. Thus article seems fair to me, I have searching for a while now to do my first cycle, I was planning to do three ofnthem, DECA+dyno+test e, but u will try test e first now, van anyone tell me whatbdiet should I keep with test e to get as big as I can? I am 6feet 85kg wieght and I eat a lot and I eat everything…. I am on low budget as well so please anyone suggesting any food try to keep in mind I can spend a lot on it and no garam food as well because I am Muslim and there will be an alternative for it am sure. Thank you so much in advance :)

  104. I’m 45 and have always been fairly athletic (basketball body) but have recently over the last few years been lazy. I’m 6’6″ and weigh 235lbs. I’m probably sitting at around 25%bf and I’m back doing cardio 3-4x a week and lifting 3-4x a week. The only thing I care about is looking good and feeling good (again) as well as keeping my health. Recent test levels were around 450 but I just don’t feel the same. Doctor says I’m not low T so they can’t help me.

    So I want to know, if I were to take (my first) a cycle using 300mg of Test E per week for 10-12 weeks would it help me shed some of this extra fat I have and make me feel more energetic and like my old self again? I have nolvadex and arimidex on hand since I’ll be at higher risk for estrogen conversion. I also have Proviron (25-50mg/day) to help eliminate (hopefully) the need for either. I also have hcg and clomid on hand if needed to recover.
    I’ve seen obese people taking TRT doses so I just want to know if I would be OK to take a smaller 300mg dose given my 25%bf. My diet will be very good (doing Whole 30 with my wife now) and will continue cardio and lifting hard.
    What are your thoughts? I’m really anxious to start melting fat and feeling that sex drive and aggression back in me again. I know the common veteran steroid user mantra is get below 15%bf, but really I’m not looking to be huge or get huge. Do you think taking 300mg of Test E at 25%bf is ok since I have all the “what if’s” covered?

    • yes, because it sounds to mme like you would be taking this for more than just cosmetic results. A test level of 450ng is about halfway into normal range, but if you’re not feeling as good as you could feel then you cannot ignore the symptoms. TRT has given me a better quality of life myself. The one thing I’ll tell you is if you’re 45 yrs old and do this cycle you may not just bounce back and recover quickly, even with PCT drugs. If it were myself I’d go back in for a test check 8 weeks after PCT and see what you’re dealing with. If they don’t come back up over 400 ng then I’d hit another cycle, drive my test into the dirt, then qualify for TRT and live life happily ever after!! Just my .02 anyways- JD

  105. You’ve probably answered every question on here ya bloody ledgend mate!!
    I’m currently on a dbol cycle 2nd week in at 30mg ED. first week I ran 20mg ED. Planning to run for 5 weeks all up but now I’ve gotten my hands on some test e, do you think it’s too late to add it into my cycle ?


  106. Hi john,

    This is me again my source called me today saying due to the peak competition second here in India stuffs are not available, he has deca and cypionate of Alpha , Blackdragon, Thaiger all this brand are ugl .

    One of my friend has taken testo p of thaiger that stuff was good please suggest which one to buy.

    The second big problem is all this stuffs are in 250 mg so as per my plan how should I inject 250 mg deca and 400 mg cypionate per week.
    I have read your article how to inject but wat if the dose is 250 mg and you want only 400 mg per week. and wat about deca please gaiude as this is my 1st cycle of deca nd cypionate.

  107. Hi John,

    love the site. Im planning on running your test/dbol cycle. I might be a little prone to gyno so I’ll be taking nolvadex for the whole 8 weeks. a few questions i’m having are.. will i still be taking the nolvadex during the 2 weeks between cycles? and should i add nolvadex with clomid for recovery?

    thank you

    • if gyno prone then you’re better using an AI over a SERM like nolvadex during the cycle. A SERM prevents estrogen binding but an AI prevents formation to start with. HOWEVER, nolvadex prevails at stimulating LH and FSH levels during post cycle recovery. So to answer your question clearly, use an AI during cycle, then during PCT use a minimal amount of AI and a more moderate amount of nolvadex.

      I would go with 1/2 mg arimadex everyday during the 6 wk Dbol portion of the cycle, drop to 1/2 mg every other day during the remaining 2 weeks of cycle (the additional 2 weeks of testosterone) Continue on 1/2 mg every other day for 4 weeks following the cycle, add in 10mg/day of nolvadex for 2 weeks straight beginning 2 weeks post last test injection. Use clomid at 50mg/day for 3 weeks beginning 2 weeks after your last test injection. The reason for staying on the aromatase inhibitor before you begin the traditional PCT 2 weeks after your last injection of test, is to keep any estrogen formation down and to keep any estrogen rebound down. As your test levels start to decline it’s common to have an estrogen rebound where the estro rises and your test:estro ration gets out of whack. Thje better you can keep this in the proper ration then the less chance of gynocomastia. Most guys actually get gyno after the cycle rather than during the cycle because they fail to do this

  108. Im 39 yo. I’ve always been slender but now I’m getting soft. I want to do 1 cycle of the beginner test/dbol. I’m a little confused about exactly what meds to take for PCT. You put a lot of info in the PCT section but I’m a little confused about exactly what meds to take and when. Do I take the Arimitase during the entire cycle? Do I take anything with the Clomid after my cycle is complete? If you could just tell me exactly what to take and when I would really appreciate it. Love your site!!

    • PCT is a very confusing topic to most people, I understand your questions. Ok, you will want to use an aromatase inhibitor during your DBOL, such as arimadex, aromasyn or Red Supplements PCT (since it contains arimistane and it acts just like arimadex). The aromatase inhibitor will prevent estrogen formation, where a SERM such as nolvadex will only prevent circulating estrogen levels from binding, but will not prevent formation.

      The aromatase inhibitor dose is all relative to the dose of anabolics used and what type of steroids are used. For example, if someone was using 500mg/wk of testosterone then my recommendation would be a mild AI dose during the entire cycle, when DBOL is thrown in the mix then I’d use more AI during the DBOL portion of the cycle. I cannot just outright give you a dosing regimen without knowing exactly the amounts you’re using and what the cycle looks like. I would suggest buying Straight from the Underground, it will be a very useful tool for you. Thanks for following- JD

  109. John,

    Looking to start my first cycle. I am looking to yes put on muscle but shred what I have all ready built to this point. Up til now it has been all me and no help. I need to cut down but still retain all my hard work.
    What do you recommend as a cycle for someone like me? I just don’t know how to pair what with what to get the results that I want. All the names and what each really does when used with another seems hard to really get a straightforward list of what I need!

    Can you help me put together the best list for the right stack?

    • I will tell you that it’s extremely difficult to cut fat and build muscle at the same time once you’re seasoned in the gym. You do not need a cycle to cut bodyfat down. My advice for any first time user is to use the cycle to grow. With that being said if you think your bodyfat is too high now then diet down first before beginning a cycle. Look into my ebook Straight from the Underground, it explains much more than I could give in a comment or email and it’ll answer all of your questions on dieting and building when it comes to cycling. But a simple answer to your question would be just testosterone for a first cycle, and do it once you’ve leaned down first. Don’t run 1 cycle and think you’ll build and cut up, that won’t happen in just 1 cycle. Thanks for reading- JD

  110. Hey John,
    I know how everyone feels about doing a cycle at a young age, Also I understand that you shouldn’t do a cycle as a shortcut or for the wrong reasons. However I turn 21 in a month and have been thinking about doing my first cycle for over a year now. The only reason I haven’t done it by now is because I wanted to wait till I was 25 or over, but I want to make put on more muscle now, not when I am 25. I have one year left of college and after I am still going to lift and strive to put on muscle but I want to look my best now. I have been lifting since I was 16 and really want to take it to the next level now. I’m not going to be doing more than maybe one more cycle after this one, despite everyone telling me that’s not how it works. I know I am going to have plenty of people telling me not to, but I really don’t think one test only cycle is going to be a ridiculous problem and I really don’t want to wait.

    • I’m not going to tell you what to do, but I’m going to give you the reality of it. Will 1 or 2 cycles hurt you when done properly and with a proper PCT and time off for natural recovery? NO!! At your age there is no doubt in my mind that you won’t bounce back and have your levels come back up. You can expect to gain probably 15-20 lbs from your first cycle if you’re eating enough and training hard. You will be amazed at the strength gains and how quickly you put on muscle. You’ll feel like you went from Clark Kent to Superman during those 8-12 weeks on cycle. Then you’ll come off and you’ll feel like someone sucked the wind out of your sail. You’ll just have to deal with this and train and continue to eat. You’ll miss that feeling you had on cycle, you’ll miss the notability you get from your peers as well. You’ll be tempted to run another cycle shortly after, you’re entire mindframe will probably take a drastic shift from the “just 1 and done” approach. The psychological effects will be very powerful. With that being said, if you’d been training since 16 and you’re 21 now, then I’m not going to tell you you’re too young as I place more emphasis on level of development rather than age. Best of luck-JD

  111. Mr. John Doe.
    Im about 6′ 3″ 280lbs Im currently thinking about running a cycle of test/deca/dbol/ clomid to recover. My question is to you how do you run this cycle? How much dosage to take a wk? I go to the gym regularly and eat clean as well as taking my supps. But I want to stack more meat on these bones. Would like a little bit of your expertise. Thanks alot for taking the time to read

  112. What are your thoughts on the Test-E only cycle at 20%+ body fat for a 34 y/o?

    No BP or cholesterol issues. My T numbers were low-normal a few months ago. Energy levels are LOW, but no thyroid issues. Also, my libido is a FRACTION of what it was two years ago. But I did begin taking Adderall for a raging case of ADD, and I think this has impacted my sex drive. A few days off Adderall and I get insanely frisky. Occasionally I’ll use a bottle of HcGenerate when they run a good sale (got 3 bottles on hand to supplement PCT). This sometimes helps libido tremendously, but it’s hit or miss.

    Diet is good, Lots of lean protein and veggies. But I have packed on weight since my back and a knee went to heck and I stopped running 20-30 miles a week. Have gone from a shredded 205lb, 6’3 to around 235-250lb. Cortisone shots mean I can do decent (15~ miles/wk) cardio and lifting, but no deadlifts and only light squats… so gains are insanely hard to get, and when I get them, they are hard to keep.

    Main concern is bad recovery time and potential for future injuries. I can literally FEEL injuries coming down the pipe.

    Sorry for the crazy long post. I know you’re a busy guy.

    Any insight would be appreciated. I’ve decided (I think) on a 500mg/wk test cycle. But I’m really confused about what PCT to run, and if I should run HcGenerate through the cycle. And should I stop taking Adderall during the cycle? And is there anything I can safely stack with the test to accelerate my fat loss?


    • Oh…and should I get my levels tested first to figure out T and E levels? Does it matter?

      Like, if E levels are high now…should I run an AI for the whole cycle PLUS a PCT?

      Gyno terrifies me.

  113. Hi John,

    Am 37. I just got done with my first cycle. I have a question on PCT, especially given the way I did my first cycle.

    I used steroids more as a booster than using them as normally suggested. I did the following:

    Week 1-10: Test Enanthate 250 mg a week (one shot a week) + 50 mg of Winstrol per week (one shot a week)
    Week 10-15: Break
    Week: 16-20: 1.5 ml of Tren Hexa (one shot a week) + 100 mg of Masteron per week (one shot a week) + 50 mg of Winstrol per week (one shot a week)

    Given my diet and workout, I did get the result I wanted.

    It has been a week since my last shot of Tren Hexa, Masteron and Winstrol, and I want to take a break for a while. Thus, I now want to do PCT.

    My question is what should my PCT comprise of? Is HCG necessary given what I have done? If so, how much (and for how long) HCG to take? Or will a 4-6 weeks course of 50 mg of Clomid (per day) and 20-30 mg of Nolvadex (per day) suffice?

    I would really appreciate your advice on this John.


  114. Hello..I want to run a deca testa dianobol cycle..weight 55 kgs height 5.9 ft body fat 10%..I want to gain 30kgs..pls suggest me what should I use along with it?how many doses of each and how much..What pct should I use?pls help me asap..

  115. I’m 24, 5’7″ @ 195 lbs. Got Test E was gonna do 250/mg a week. Do you think i should up it to 500/mg a week. One 250 dose every 4 days?

  116. Hello John..
    I wanna wanna gain some lean muscle gain..m 21yrs old 5.9fts 55kgs 10%body fat..i want to run my first cycle..can u suggest what should I take..and how much..what pct should I run..pls help me..i don’t believe in these money minded trainers..pls help me out

  117. Hey John, I love your book Straight from the Underground

    Can a steroid beginner who’s been on one year TRT at 170mg per week jump into the Deca/Dbol cycle for 12-16 weeks on a TRT dose?

    12-16 weeks 300mg deca per week
    6-7 weeks 25mg Dbol per day

    6″1 – 192lbs, bodybuilding for 5 years, put on 45lbs since starting, and using LGD and Ostarine past 5 months.

    Goal is old school body builder look while minimizing sides

  118. Hello. I started the 10 week beginner cycle of test cyp only. Using the Kalpa brand testoxyl cyp. The first week I split the injections in two parts, at 250mg on day 1, and another 250mg on day 4. No problems really other than some light flushing. Week 2 I went ahead and did a full 500 mg pin, I did this on Sunday, on Tuesday night of this week I experienced some hardcore red flushing in my face and body, it lasted maybe an hour and some change and gradually went away. Today at work (Thursday) I had a couple of coworkers ask me why I was so red and if I had been tanning. It seems like the redness/flushing hasn’t been as bad since Tuesday night, the strange thing is I am just getting it at random times. Other than that I do notice I have a more “healthy” looking complexion when I am not totally flushed. I am entirely of western European ancestry so I am rather fair skinned during the winter but can tan well in the summer. My question is, is this a big reason for concern? The reason I asked is because I have gotten a lot of different answers. Do I need to just abandon ship on the cycle and go back to training natty? I am not very far in to the cycle but am concerned if this is a serious side. As far as the answers I have gotten have been high blood pressure, increase in red blood cells, a reaction with estrogen in the body, a reaction to the oil the test is cut with and not the test itself. So I am confused to the real issue. I have had other guys say they stay red on their test cycles and as long as it isn’t blood pressure you shouldn’t worry. I’m not very far into the cycle so I find it hard to believe it would be something already causing a serious side unless my body is just not compatible with it. I am also running saw palmetto (for prostate protection), and hawthorne berry (for blood pressure). I have nolva and clomid already on hand.

    1. Should I call it quits on the cycle and just go back to training natty? And If I do since I am not very far in what kind of PCT if any do you suggest for such at short amount of time?

    2. Should I stick it out with a lower dose, or split injections?

    I really hate to just bail out on my first cycle ( I am in my mid 30s by the way) especially since I have already invested money into it, but I would also rather be safe than sorry if the red flushing from test injections could be a serious side. Thank you in advance for any info you can give in regards to this matter.

  119. I am 36 years old and getting into body building what can you recommend to take? I would like to use injection because I am diebetic and do not want to use the pills to affect my liver. Also if you can recommend where I can get some from.

  120. How often can i run test?
    Im 40 years old.

    Is this something i can continue if im commited to long term use?

    If not how many cycles a year (frequency) can i do?

    I have run test & test/tren in the past with pct. My libido shit the bed, but function was still 100% when i finally got into the mood lol.

    Advice is appreciated.

  121. Just started 10 week 500mg/week test cyp cycle. Gonna inject 1cc twice a week. The Nolvadex I got is 20mg, so I planned on taking one every other day instead of 10mg daily for the cycle. For post I was gonna do this

    Week 1&2:
    Nolvadex 40mg daily clomid 100mg daily
    Week 3&4:
    Nolvadex 20mg daily clomid 50mg daily

    Should I switch to Arimidex for the cycle or does this is look good? This is what I’ve purchased

  122. Hi I’m a36 years old man with low T and never took steroids before…im thinking of doing T cycle. Any on which one and how much cheers.

  123. Hey man I’m 22 years old and looking to start my first steroid cycle I am currently on a pro hormone cycle but nothing too crazy. I am looking to get lean hard gains, and good muscle definition but I don’t want to be massive. Do you have any advice and compound suggestions.

  124. Hi seniors. Apologize for my question that might sound like an imbecile. I ran a dbol cycle last month and gained 18lbs from dbol cycle only. But my mistake was I didn’t take any PCT, therefore my mass was back to where I was in the first time. Now if I would like to run dbol and test e next month. Would it be ok?? Knowing I will only be having 8 weeks off since the last cycle..

    • A general rule of thumb is your time off-cycle should be the same as you were on so if you ran an 8 week cycle, 8 weeks off should be adequate. That being said, why not try running a Test only cycle?

  125. My first cycle was test 400 for 10 weeks 1cc a week, 2nd cycle, test 200 twice a week 10 weeks Deca 200 once a week for 6 weeks and anavar first 4 weeks, any opinions on 500 mg of test e a week and masteron at 400mg a week for 12 weeks?

    • Carlos, personally I’m not a fan of high dosed test cycles anymore. 500mg a week is considered a “beginner dosage” but it’s really not. Yes testosterone works well, but personally speaking I leave my test on the lower side and take other compounds higher. If I were running masteron I’d take masteron higher and leave test at 200/wk myself, this way I see the hardening effects from masteron without the bloat issues from the test- JD

  126. Hi john,

    Im starting my 2nd cycle after 6months of resting.
    I’ve started a 12weeks cycle compose of test e, test prop, wins, tren a, tren e last year on that period. Now i bought 1 bottle of test prop and 4box of test e 250 and planning to use them without any other compounds. im 29 standing 5’11. Should i take dbol, deca or tren with it?

    Any reply/advice will be much appreciated.


    • I myself prefer deca over dbol and tren, I just respond well to deca and don’t get the sides like dbol and tren, especially tren. The prop, 1 vial will allow you to frontload 300mg/wk x 3 weeks for beginning of cycle, thats how I’d use it. Not sure how high you’re taking the test dosage, me personally? Don’t like high test cycles, I’ve always looked better keeping it under 500mg/wk and letting other compounds do the work, high test made me sloppy. But that is just me -JD

  127. Great site and great info John! Been reading a lot of your articles and you really know how say it without any BS.

    I’m currently on TRT, 32 yo, never done a cycle before. Thinking about doing my first only T 500mg a week.

    My question is, can I cycle 500mg a week for 10weeks, and then go back to my usual weekly TRT dosage, or would I need to stop TRT completely for PCT?

    Couldn’t find an answer to this

    Thanks again!

    • No PCT necessary, revert back to normal TRT. You’re not coming back now, “You’re one of us Michael, come be one of us!!!” ( The Lost Boys movie) – JD

  128. Hi John.

    Great site. I ran my first cycle with test and gained 16 pounds and didnt need PCT. Its been 3 months since my first cycle and was wanting to start my second cycle. Was thinking of doing dbol test and deca with a PCT after the cycle what are your thoughts or do another cycle of test.

  129. Hey, John just wondering and need some strong advice. Haven’t weight trained in around 3yrs, ran a test- cycles. I was wondering if I should stack exactly how you are saying to get back into the groove of things.

    • No, I don’t believe in using steroids as the motivating factor to start weight training, they should be used when you cannot get results on your own anymore. Give it 6 months of regular gym training first, if you cannot do that then you won’t look good no matter what you take -JD

  130. Hey John, really appreciate your articles bro. I’m about to do the test c/dbol stack and was wondering if I needed to use the Nolvadex all the way through the PCT or stop taking it after my last shot. Thanks for everything you do man

    • Use it all the way through PCT. Nolvadex stimulates leutinizing hormone and fsh to get your testes producing your own test again -JD

  131. Some of the best information out there!! I’be recently come back to bodybuilding and need to shed some body fat before moving to an old school Deca/Dbol cycle. I have Anavar and Nolvadex on hand but I know it won’t be enough to put me where I want to be in 8 weeks. Can you recommend an old school cycle that would take advantage of what I have on hand? What do I need to add? Dosage?

  132. So my question would be, for the first cycle scenario, am I doing 1cc of of each a week for 10wks or 2cc of test e for 5wks and 2cc of the other for the next 5wks?

    • Honestly that all depends on how open to having to be on testosterone replacement therapy you are. If the plan is to keep SOME natural test function then I would limit my cycles to 2 cycles per year AND definitely more time off than on

      • Cycle #2 you said 2 cc in each week. That’s mean 1000mg of test e
        And you said recommended is 500mg in week that’s mean 0.5 cc

        • No, where are you getting that dosage from? I never said that. Cycle #2 is a dbol kickstart with either 250mg a week of test or 500/wk maximum. 2cc of test per week is not 1,000mg of testosterone.

    • Yea but you wanna shoot prop every other day due to it being fast acting. You’ll get more sides if you don’t

  133. The only reason behind my question is to lose weight and put lean muscle. Please let me know if you have other inputs.

    Thank you foe your fas response

    • Either one, depends on amount of other compounds. In terms of a half life once a week is all u need in deca, but if volume of other compounds makes a single injection difficult then split it

  134. Hi John thanks so much for your site it is by far the easiest to understand and informative site I have ever found.

    I’m 36 and want to do a basic cycle of 500mg test.e per week, 250 mon 250 thurs.
    I’d like to take .25mg arimidex eod during cycle.
    Then stop adex 2 weeks after last pin and start nolva 40/40/20/20 ed

    Would.you recommend 3 weeks Clomid 50mg ed on this cycle.
    Also is hcg necessary as I have had vasectomy and not worried about sperm count or testical size. Not sure on the benefit it will have on my test level recovery.
    Thanks you, Jonathon

  135. For test and injectable Dbol is a 25mg injection of Dbol everyday enough?
    Also i’ve been told injectable dbol can be ran for 12 weeks because its less liver toxic, also gives less water retention and less estrogenic side effects. Is this true? Have you had any experience with Injectable Dbol?

  136. I want to start a stack to lose weight and gain lean muscle but I don’t like needles i don’t think i can i just myself what do you recommend and do you have a trusted online source?

  137. Hey John,
    Lovin’ the 3 book bundle…. total bargain. Thanks for simplifying things and cutting out the anecdotal BS I’ve been reading on the forums for the last few years while researching (and dieting c. 18-20%bf).

    I’m 51 years old in the UK , been training regular for just over 3 years. 220lbs.
    Diet is very clean, no sugar, no alcohol or processed crap etc. Drinking loads of water.
    I’m a week into my first cycle;
    400mg test e (200mg Mon/Fri)
    30mg Dbol (3x10mg Ed)
    0.5mg Adex EOD
    Already noticing significant endurance and slight strength gains in gym. Feeling bloody awesome in general.
    I get a little lethargy about 1hr after the Dbol so I believe it to be legit.
    But, I’m seeing no bloat whatsoever.
    Should I see some? and if so, when is it likely to strike?
    Keep up the sage advice bud… I consider you my Oracle :)

    Many thanks

    • Thanks for following brother!! On the dbol and bloating, it’s sort of more person specific as to how much fluid someone is going to hold on it. Yes, it can make you lethargic also. I have seen ectomorphs run this stuff and look absolutely pumped like hell with no bloat whatsoever, some not so lucky. It’s a roll of the dice really

  138. Hi f to m transman here 48, have been on fortnightly shots of test E since 2013. Was thinking about doing test E 250 a week for 12 weeks coupled with dianabol 20mg a day for 5 weeks di I need to worry. I don’t want boobs back that’s for sure. Will production of estrogen be a problem I have had full historectumy and will this cycle destroy my liver. Should I do 590 of test E a week and just forget about dianabol

    • You don’t want drugs that convert to estrogen, so better to stay away from orals like dbol or anadrol. You want to use things like masteron, winstrol, primobolan if you are looking for male characteristic enhancement without estrogen elevation

      • Thanks for that info, very much appreciated. I will just run my first cycle with test E 509mg a week for 12 weeks and look into getting your suggestions above

  139. Hey mate, Have been training on and off for the last 6 years.
    have been wanting to cycle since 18.

    Age: 24
    Im Wondering if this is correct for a first cycle ?
    Test E 250mg-
    500mg split into two shots Monday Thursday.
    Ananvar 50mg a day 1 – 4 weeks
    Run the cycle for 12 weeks.

    PCT: HCG and Nolva

  140. 30’s male starting second cycle ever in life – and first one was a couple of years ago. Serious this time and want to do it right and as safe/natural as possible.

    For this stack, what would you recommend for:
    1) anti-estrogen concerns to run along cycle, and
    2) what would you recommend for proper PCT?

    …confused between Nolvadex and Clomid – and if it’s truly necessary or not. A lot of mixed reviews online. Also – is there any cleaner supplement for PCT instead of adding drugs?

    Thanks so much,

  141. Hi does test e evaporate. Ive been on test e for 5 weeks 1 bottle 3000mg. So been taking 2ml a week. But theres not a chance itll last another 5 weeks. Prob got about 2 weeks at most left in the vial.

    • It’s fine, but I wouldn’t bother with 3 seperate shots per week with a longer ester like that, 1-2x per week is fine, personally I would just do it once a week myself