Self-Promoting Fitness Industry Bullshit and Pipe Dreams!

poop taking a selfie

You may find this hard to believe, but most bodybuilders and people in the fitness industry piss me off. Many of these people are nothing more than self absorbed dip-shits who think far too highly of themselves. I don’t know about you, but I’m getting awfully tired of this self-promoting fitness industry bullshit. Every day …

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10 Tips to Look Good All Year Long

muscular man

If you are anything like me, you want to look good all year long. There are no few weeks where you want to look great, and then accept looking fat the rest of the year, nada. You want to look jacked all the time. If you had to take your shirt off then you could …

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High Intensity Workout, Recovery, Training Frequency!

man using weight machine

3 factors that play a role in developing your body to its maximum potential in the fastest time frame possible: high intensity workout, recovery, frequency! High intensity workout means challenging yourself constantly throughout a given workout, and keeping the pedal to the God damn metal for the hour you’re in the gym. How many big …

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Untangling Your Mess and Moving Forward


I’m not saying I have my life where I want it to be, but I’ve learned enough through experience to know when I’m moving forward or staying stagnant. I operate better on a schedule, and not a day to day schedule that was pulled out of my ass at midnight the night before either. I …

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Pushing Beyond the Diet Threshold with a Deload

man holding weighted plates

I’m going to get into something here that you’ll probably rarely see in anyone’s diet advice. There is going to come a point in your quest for an ultra shredded physique where you’re going to get run down and your body is going to start fighting back. This is only something someone who has dieted …

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How Much Does a Bodybuilder Lift?

man lifting dumbbell

Listen, I’m not claiming to be Arnold Schwarzenegger here, I’m just writing this so some of you get an idea of the difference between a bodybuilder and a weightlifter. For years I pounded away at heavy weights, personal bests, and a bar that was bending because I ain’t pretending. It’s a stupid fucking way to …

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Bodybuilding, Emotional Battles, the Mark of a Man

muscular man

Who was John Doe in the past life? John Doe was a piece of shit. John put his body before anything and everything in life. When he trained for a competition his family would eat sandwiches and noodles while John ate steak on a daily basis. His wife was frequently stressed out about bills because …

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The Sharpshooter’s Guide to Getting Women

fit man and woman

Most men want to build a better body to gain attention from women. Of course we do it for ourselves first and foremost, but a guy who doesn’t want to build his body to help get attention from the girls is usually a damn liar. I’m here to share some real life knowledge with you …

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