Arimidex (Anastrozole) is what is classified as an aromatase inhibitor. Its original designed use was to treat breast cancer in women by lowering estrogen. It was eventually discovered that Arimidex could benefit bodybuilders by blocking estrogen formation or lowering already existing levels.
As I talked about in the Nolvadex 101 article, the biggest difference between an aromatase inhibitor such as Arimidex and a selective estrogen receptor modulator like Nolvadex is that Arimidex blunts estrogen formation and Nolvadex simply control it by not allowing any receptor binding.
However, this doesn’t mean that already circulating levels of estrogen are not present just because Nolvadex is included in the drug regimen.
See also: How to Keep Estrogen Under Control
Arimidex works by reducing the aromatase enzyme which is what is the cause of elevated estrogen levels and a byproduct of drugs that can aromatize while on cycle.
Arimidex is superior to Nolvadex in almost every possible way with the exception of stimulating luteinizing hormone during cycle recovery (studies are showing that nolvadex is better at this than AI’s, but this is a double edged sword because AI’s are better at combating estrogen rebound)
If I had my choice on a SERM or an AI for post cycle recovery I would opt for an AI coupled with HCG and Clomid.
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This is a great estrogen blocker, but can mess with cholesterol levels. Not saying don’t use but talking to my doc and looking at my blood work I can see differences in cholesterol.
yes, it can do that, thats why you only want to use it at just enough to combat estrogen and cycle off (or for the guys on TRT drop to a NORMAL TRT dose for periods of time, where not as much AI is needed)
The spelling of armidex is wrong
I’m on TRT 1cc a week of testosterone cypionate’s which is 200 mg a week , my estrogen got pretty high so he prescribed me Arimadex A half a pill every day but I got nervous with cholesterol so now I cut the pill
Into four pieces and take a quarter of a pill every other day. I’m waiting to see how my next blood test locks . Do you think I’d be better off taking Nolvadex? Thank you and God bless .
no, arimadex is superior to nolvadex because it prevents estro formation where nolva just keeps it from binding to receptors but doesnt stop formation. 1/2 a pill everyday sounds like too much if the pills are 1mg, but script-wise they’ll occasionally dose them lower so I really don’t have an answer for this without knowing. Usuaully 1/2mg twice weekly is normal for using 200mg/wk of test
Hello John,
What would your Arimidex dosing recommendation be for someone on a 500mg/week test cycle?
Thank you
.5mg mon/wed/fri
What about if you’re just using arimidex and clomid as an alternative to TRT. How much arimidex and clomid, and how often? I was told 50mg clomid every day and 0.25 mg arimidex every 3 days. Is that a good protocol?
I’m a beginner. I went ahead and started the pymirid cycle for beginning cycles.
I’m on my second week of test cyph mondays I do my shot the first week felt fine 2nd week i feel a little weird but i believe I’m getting sick cause i went swimming and due to weather changing
I just now got armidex. Its 1mg but I dont know if that’s too much lit of info says take .5 mg there capsules not pill form can you help me out please.
This is common onset of test, it’s called the test flu and it’ll pass. Go .5 on adex 3x a week , u shouldnt need more than that because u don’t wanna crash estrogen , u need a little of it to feel normal
Hey John,
Running a cycle of Test P 100mg every other day for 16 week cycle. Would you recommend 20 mg of Nolvadex every other day? or .5 Arimidex every other day? Have both. Or would you run the Arimidex post cycle?
It’s propionate so it probably ain’t going to aromatize much at all. Everyone is do different when it comes to dialing in estrogen, .5 adex every other day may even be too much, start with .5mg adex twice weekly
Hey John, how long after discontinuing nolvadex do I need to wait before I can safely start arimidex? Running 350mg of test cyp a week. Ran nolvadex for 2 weeks to keep estrogen symptoms (moodiness, depression, lethargy) down while waiting for adex to come in. Now I have adex, can I start it the next day and discontinue nolvadex? Or do I need to wait foe nolvadex to clear my system?
Start it next day
Hey John .
TRT question for you , currently taking 200mg test cyp wk . Clomid 25 mg 3 x week and Arimidex 2mg per week. Definitely think the Arimidex is too high of a dose having some side effects . What do you think I need to drop the Arimidex too ?
Thanks !
Way too high most likely, and Clomid? What’s the purpose of Clomid regularly on TRT?
How long after taking Arimidex does it start lowering estrogen levels? .5 every other day.
Fast, within a few days
How do I go about taking .5 adex in capsule form? Break the capsule then take half?
No, if it’s in capsule form I would simply swallow the entire capsule and just take it less often to even out the dosage I was aiming for. Don’t mess with emptying half a capsule out or whatever, that’s a pain
I’m new with Arimidex I want to know when you use that it’s for water retention
When you are on something that can aromatize to estrogen. The stronger the aromization the more adex needed usually. Varies person to person really, some guys need half a mg 3x per week on just TRT alone, some need none at all. My advice is always to get labs done so you know-JD
Hi John,on week 4 of 12 week test e cycle,pinning 125mg Monday and 125mg Thursday currently experiencing puffy nipples not sore though.I have arimdex and nolva on hand,what should i do?
I would run the adex at .5 mg daily until it subsides, then drop to .5mg 3x wk throughout. Very surprising you are experiencing this on as little as 125mg 2x per week
Hi John
I’m in my 2nd week of sustanon and deca cycle.
250mg sus / 150mg deca 2x/W
Before I started I ran anavar 50mg Ed
I currently have gyno formed in my left pec, I have arimidex 1mg pills what dosage should I be taking?
Thank you
1mg daily x 1 wk, see what that does, once it subsides I would stay on .5mg 3x a week, then get labs
Test prop 50mg eod
Low dose tren 25mg eod
Bloating in face in stomach next day of test prop injections
Suggestion on armidex dosing .. don’t want r crash eat but bloat makes me feel like sht lol
Dose n schedule per week u recommend for armidex?
not sure how you’re bloating that much from prop and tren, especially at that dosage. Sounds suspicious, as in something isn’t what it’s labeled as
I just got my labs done. Total estrogen was <4000 beyond 4000. I cut my armidex significantly due to the fact I thought eq acted as a aromatize inhibitor. Just finished my cycle yesterday 500 test 600 eq. Will go to cruise now. I took a mg of armidex today. How much would you recommend. A mg a week. Get labs done again in 2 weeks?
Highest estrogen I’ve ever even heard of. If that were Myself? 1mg daily until it was back in range
Hey John
I am on 500 mgs of test enanthate and I am on week 6 and I am having puffy nipples and my nipples hurt a little
Would Adex help get rid of them? What should I do?
yes, use arimadex
I have slight tissue under my nips I’ve been taking 1mg of arimidex a day- what else should I do to help tissue go away
if 1mg arimadex every day isn’t touching it then I doubt anything else will. Unless it’s progesterone gynp and in that case you may want to try cabergoline
I’m on 1% Testim daily at 5g first six months free test quadrupled to around 800 free was at 85, six months later 440 free at 35. Dr prescribed Amridex 1g weekly because by Estrogen level is at 189.
Does that sounds right?
I’m not familiar with the test cream if that’s what you’re referring to, sorry
Hey I just started taking anadrol 50 MG daily and 250 MG enanthate test a week. I am new to this. I plan on running anadrol a month n enanthate 10 weeks at 250 n then 5 week 500. How do I pct and also make sure I don’t get gyno. 1 week in already
Check out Straight from the Underground, my exclusive ebook for anabolics based on first hand experience. Thanks- JD
Hello John,
How long should the cycle of Arimidex be after cycle? I used to use Clomid 50mg daily for 3 weeks, was hoping to find out if there’s a set time frame for Adex..
usually about 3-4 wks timeframe, 4 isn’t going to hurt, just be mindful not to use too much and crash your estrogen. My advice is to go down to 1/2mg 3x/wk on that 4th week, first couple wks you could go something like 1/2mg 5x/wk, maybe 1/2mg eod wk #3, mon/wed/fri wk #4
Hi John,
I was on 150mg of Test P per week and 150mg of Winny on 6 week cycle.
I have arimidex, Nolva and clomid on hand. What PCT would your recommend?
I’m still on HGH