Bodybuilding Diet Facts 101

This is a podcast that explains the dieting process as it relates to gym training and life in a bit more detail than most other articles out there.

There comes a point where the diet and training all go hand in hand, and you can either facilitate results or fuck them up by not doing things in a manageable manner.

Train hard! -JD

Click the play button below to listen to Bodybuilding Diet Facts 101

Show Notes:

[0:01] Intro – I watched Unhinged last night, a road rage movie that could have been a Tren story

[2:03] Strengthening the mind through self-discipline and how this creates more focus for workout intensity

[9:37] Consistency with a militant approach in dieting, workout, cardio and a drug regimen

[18:19] There is no easy way out. Take a realistic approach to your diet and avoid the hot/cold routine.

[21:05] The best tasting thing that I eat when I’m in the pits of dieting hell

[23:26] The guys that overemphasize steroid stacks when dieting

[27:55] Snacks are for fat asses. Eat meals!

[29:37] Wrapping up – We all struggle with timing diet with life

For those of you looking for something new to take your body to another level, be sure to check out Shredded Ops and Let the Blood Spill!

These programs are hella effective, but aren’t for the faint of heart!

Shredded Ops & Let The Blood Spill bundle


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