Anabolic Sniper E-book NOW AVAILABLE!

Throughout the past several years I’ve released a lot of information regarding bodybuilding and what revolves around the bodybuilding lifestyle. A lot of the information I put out there has been based on where I was at with my own bodybuilding training, but I never disregarded different places I have been at and how the changes involved in those tactics compared to now can help someone else out.

Everything from beginner programs geared towards someone who has never lifted a weight before, to highly advanced programs that would leave a newbie on a stretcher, I’ve pretty much covered it all!

Beginner steroid cycles to moderate and advanced steroid cycles, HGH, peptides, and supplementation that I believe in, I’ve pretty much covered it!

Things I would do and things I would avoid, safeguards and countermeasures to keep in mind while cycling, I’ve covered that too!

I released an A-to-Z performance enhancement reference guide several years back called Straight from the Underground, which was written to properly guide guys through different steroid cycle options and give people real information based on real experience.

Since a lot of my material was originally created, my journey with bodybuilding and pushing at locked doors to find the one that opens hasn’t really stopped. You would think that as you’ve been doing something longer that it would eventually get easier. Well, I’ve found that to not always be the case with building your body!

So many times, I found myself having to skip around to different training styles and diets in order to stay in the game and continue moving forward. And then there were just times that were downright confusing for me, such as asking myself things such as, “Is this all even really worth it anymore?”

The more that I thought about what I wanted to do with my physique as it related to life in general and what was realistic and manageable, the more that I realized that I wanted to be that perfect mix between size and condition. Sure, there was always going to be smaller phases of cutting or letting myself go a little more freely with the diet to try and achieve a fuller look but based on my experience level a lot of my approach needed to change.

I began to think that I was getting to a point where a lot of guys get to where it became necessary to change that approach in order to continue on with bodybuilding in a way that was still motivational and exciting. Sure, the basics still worked, but I realized that oftentimes we need to expand our boundaries and change our mentality in order to continue on.

So, I decided to write a new e-book that was more of an inside look at how I did things based on where I was at with my own training. I thought that it could benefit a lot of people if they were getting inside information from someone that was in their same situation with training, nutrition, and performance enhancement. This wouldn’t be necessarily an A-To-Z guidebook, but it would be something more specific to the person who was in my universe of life as it pertained to physique development and being able to continue moving forward with things!

I wanted to write about what worked for me with the workouts, the nutrition, and the performance enhancement stacks that I PERSONALLY PREFER as they revolve around health and results. A lot of the workouts that you read about online are great for someone who is a beginner, but what about the guy that has already built his foundation and size years ago? Some of these workouts are not only unrealistic for where an advanced trainee is at, but they can lead to short changed results and also injuries!

The key is to be able to find ways to continue to make progress, continue to recover, and continue to manage life as they revolve around your goals of looking good, maintaining a good level of conditioning and health, and achieving a physique that shows that you’re a body of work and a person of discipline and structure!

I wrote an article years ago talking about a shotgun blast approach to training and eating versus a sniper rifle approach, whereas a shotgun blast approach was more of a quick way to size and strength and the sniper rifle approach was a slow and steady method of achieving an excellent combination of size to condition. Anabolic Sniper dives deep into that sniper rifle approach and teaches the reader different workouts, diet strategies, and performance stacks that are far beyond what a new and inexperienced trainee would be ready to take on!

Whether you’re a middle-aged guy who has been in the gym long enough to break out of a beginner or intermediate diet and training regimen, or a guy that has put in decades of work to build a good physique, Anabolic Sniper is sure to offer you ways to continue moving forward with your physique!

Anabolic Sniper e-book now available for purchase

Click here to visit the Anabolic Sniper sales page to purchase!


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