No-BS Bodybuilding
This ebook is an inside look at everything I do diet and training wise to achieve the best body and state of mind I can.
- Gives an inside look at all of the nutrition and training practices I use in my life.
- Takes you through testosterone replacement therapy and the precautionary measures someone should take when getting on it.
- Covers supplements and ancillary drugs to use with testosterone replacement to stay safe and perform at your best!
- Discusses bloodwork, things to look out for, and how to stay in this for the long haul!
Bodybuilder Level : Intermediate – Advanced
Publication Date : May 31, 2017
Last Update : August 14, 2020
Page Count : 206 Pages
File Format : PDF
File Size : 4.5 MB
I get it. It's not difficult to see why you might feel that way.
Everywhere you look there's garbage and more garbage!
You either have some guy who is obviously on boatloads of drugs and growth hormone who is solely marketing himself off his appearance and not what he can do to educate people in a way they can relate to.
You have some out of shape hater who has nothing better to do than talk trash about the ones who are actually in shape!
But where is the real information now?
I want to see the real information that people can take and put to use throughout the entire year!!
I want to see more information that yields a body that somebody could be proud to show off at any time.
I had this nagging feeling that there was some sort of missing link in the bodybuilding community…
Everywhere you look now there is someone posting a program and a diet but it's a one size-fits all routine.
Well that wasn't good enough for me.
I wanted to connect the dots and show the down and dirty.
I felt like there was missing information that was rarely mentioned.
I don't know about you but when I got into this game of bodybuilding 20 years ago I just wanted to look good with my shirt off!
I wanted to feel good and be proud of what I was accomplishing.
I wanted to be that guy whose physique demanded respect.
I wanted to have the self-respect and self-discipline to put forth the hard work required to accomplish those things!
Do you want to know the biggest differences between most of what you read elsewhere and myself?
I'm a married, adult man.
I have kids.
I have a regular job.
I have a house mortgage and the same responsibilities as most other men.
I'm not some young buck who has all of the time in the world to focus strictly on bodybuilding.
There is far more to life than just that!
When I go grocery shopping I shop for my family's groceries first, and then what's left over is what I get for my set of groceries. If it isn't much then I make do, but family first!
If I miss a meal because I have to rush my son to the emergency room then I miss a meal.
If I have to throw in a cheat meal in order to do a family function then I time my cheat meals around the family functions.
If one cheat meal a week is going to stop your progress, then my friend, you just don't have it in you to begin with!
I don't live like a cave dweller for bodybuilding and I don't let this stuff break me down to the point I'm half crippled.
Heavy training, light training, periodization, time off, there is a place for all of that!
One of the things I always try to remember is different points I was at in my life and how bodybuilding tied into these highs and lows.
I try to relate to someone who is brand new at this or someone who is ready for the next level.
I've posted a ton of free articles on my blog at in the past few years but I felt there was only so much I could bring to you with articles.
Readers are still left with the task of searching through years of posts and having to piece together bits and pieces of articles and put them into practice.
The more I thought about things the more I thought; what if I created a resource that gave the reader an inside look at how I do things and modify things throughout the year?
Low carbs or high carbs? They both work, it just depends on the approach! Most people won't tell you this though, they're advocates of strictly one or the other. But what about knowing when to switch from one to the other?
What if there was information available that would guide you throughout ALL PHASES OF DIETING AND TRAINING?
How many books or articles talk about things such as reverse dieting during times, ways to create states of anabolism while cutting fat at the same time, or timing nutrients and anabolic tactics strictly around workout times to gain the most from your workouts?
What if there was a resource available that talked about ways to take 2 steps backwards in order to take a giant leap forward, all while maintaining the best health possible?
The search is over! I'm excited to introduce to you…
This ebook is an inside look at everything I do diet and training wise to achieve the best body and the best state of health I can achieve!
- I show you an inside look at all of the nutrition and training practices I've put into my life.
- I take you through testosterone replacement therapy and the precautionary measures someone should take when getting on it.
- I talk about supplements and ancillary drugs to use with testosterone replacement to stay safe and perform at your best!
- I talk about bloodwork, things to look out for, and how to stay in this for the long haul!
I'm excited to offer this new resource for some of the best diet, training, and hormone replacement advice you're ever going to find!
- Volume routines, high intensity and low volume routines, high intensity tactics, therapeutic practices for physical and mental well-being...
- I let you in on tips and secrets on cooking, how to prep meals faster, and ways to execute a diet no matter what your circumstances are.
This all new ebook takes you through advanced stages of health and fitness and gets down to the real answers on how to keep longevity.
It's not just some guide that makes you nothing but a flash in the pan for a few months and leaves you hanging when a routine is over with!!
I'm extremely excited to bring you this.
It's been my main focus for a long time now and it's finally here!!
I've trained people from all walks of life. I've trained everyone from doctors to business owners, oil rig workers who go away several weeks at a time on an oil rig, college students, soldiers, and people who were suicidal and at their lowest point in life!!
If you're serious about your body, your state of mood and outlook on life, and overcoming hurdles that stand in your way to achieve greatness, then NO-BS BODYBUILDING is exactly what you might be looking for!
You'll be getting eleven chapters of densely packed bodybuilding information!
- Volume routines, high intensity and low volume routines, high intensity tactics, therapeutic practices for physical and mental well-being...
- I let you in on tips and secrets on cooking, how to prep meals faster, and ways to execute a diet no matter what your circumstances are.
CHAPTER ONE – Welcome to the No-BS Bodybuilding
CHAPTER TWO – All About Your Hormones and Blood Labs
Symptoms of Low Testosterone
How to go About Getting on Testosterone
Total testosterone and Free Testosterone Count
Estrogen and Estradiol Levels in Men
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)
Testosterone Replacement Therapy Through Your Doctor
How Long Will it Take to See/Feel the Effects of Testosterone?
Cholesterol Levels
Red Blood Cells and Donating Blood
Liver Values
Protein as it Relates to Kidney Function
Taking a Proactive Approach to Kidney Health
Precautionary Measures for Overall Health
The Basics of Being on Testosterone Replacement Therapy and Staying Safe
Blasting HCG
HGH Levels and Replacement Therapy
General Overview and Conclusion on Hormone Replacement Therapy
CHAPTER THREE – Hitting Roadblocks and Deciding Where to go with Bodybuilding
This is Where This Chapter Really Begins
You Can Do More Than You Think You Can
The Point of Diminishing Returns
Sacrificing Health for Wealth
It’s Never Too Late to Reinvent Yourself
Change of Routine and Gym
Bodybuilding Based on How You Feel
Changes in the Diet Based on Motivational Levels
Listed Below is an Example of Transitioning from an Extreme Diet to a More Lenient Diet
More Meaning Behind Cheat Meals
Deciding What You Really Want Out of All of This
CHAPTER FOUR – Dieting Strategies for Success
Metabolic Jumpstart for Skinny-fat Trainee 140 – 165 lbs Who is Exercising
Metabolic Jumpstart for Someone 165 – 180 lbs Who is Exercising
After 2 Weeks on That Routine
Diet for Overweight Trainee 160 – 180 lbs
Intermittent Fasting Approach
Example of an Intermittent Fasting Approach for Someone 160 – 180 lbs
An Intermittent Fasting Approach for Someone Over 180 lbs
The Double-edged Sword with Intermittent Fasting
Traditional Body Fat Loss Approach for Someone 160-180 lbs (Low Carb/Moderate Fat)
Traditional Body Fat Loss Approach for Someone 180-220 lbs (Low Carb/Moderate Fat)
Traditional Body Fat Loss Approach for Someone Over 220 lbs (Low Carb/Moderate Fat)
Low Carb/High Fat Approach for Someone 140 – 160 lbs
Low Carb/High Fat Approach for Someone 140 – 160 lbs
Carb-Cycling for a Low Carb/High Fat Approach
Typical Carb-up Day for 140 – 160 lb Trainee on Low Carb/High Fat Approach
Low Carb/High Fat Approach for Someone 160 – 185 lbs
Typical Carb-up Day for Someone 160 – 185 lbs
Low Carb/High Fat Approach for Someone 185 – 220 lbs
Typical Carb-up Day for Someone Who is 185 – 220 lbs
Typical Low Carb/High Fat Approach for Someone 220+ lbs
It’s More Food Than You Thought?
What About the Post Workout Meals?
Swapping Meals Around During the Day
Things to Consider When Extreme Dieting
The ‘Eating When You are Hungry’ Approach
Vegetable Intake
Reverse Dieting and Building Quality Muscle Mass
When to Begin Reverse Dieting
Here is an Example of How I’d Eat When Reverse Dieting
Where to Place Cheat Meals During Reverse Dieting
Extreme Diets Call for Extreme Cheat Meals
CHAPTER FIVE – Training Insight and Dieting Tactics Explained
The Work Weight Used Will Have Vast Differences in Your Training
Listening to Your Body – The Real Deal
The Difference Between Hunger and Obsession
Caloric Intake as it Relates to Age
Negative Calories
Real Dieting Tactics Explained
Foods That I Eat While Dieting to Lose Body Fat
First Things First, Tupperware or Freezer Bags?
Cooking Meats
Cooking Carbs
Dieting to Build Muscle
So, Where to Start Eating When Trying to Build Muscle?
Realistically Evaluating How Much Fat You’ve Gained When Growing
How Many Meals Per Day?
You Do What it Takes
Dieting Down and Building, or Building and Then Dieting Down?
When Enough is Enough and a Wake-up Call
Don’t Believe Everything You See and Hear
There are More People on Steroids Who Look Like Shit Than People Who Look Good
Dieting to Bridge the Gap
CHAPTER SIX – Anabolism while Maintaining Conditioning and Supplementation
1 Hour Prior to Gym Time (Approximately 9 AM for Me)
Additional Supplementation for Results
Post-workout Nutrition Guidelines
The Social Aspect of Post-workout Nutrition
Intra-workout Nutrition
BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids)
Do You Need Supplements?
What Supplements Do I Place the Most Emphasis on?
GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid)
Injectable Vitamin B-12
Dandelion Root
Joint Support Formula (Glucosamine, MSM, Chondroitin)
Apple Cider Vinegar (Raw Organic) & Baking Soda
Protein Powder
Fish Oil
Finding Ways to Make it All Consistent
Non-Stimulant Fat Burners
Taking Fat Burners When All Bets Are Off
Fat Burners Before Bedtime
Hemorrhoid Cream, Epsom Salt Baths and Static Cling Wrap
Dieting is Always the Key
Cardio for Fat Loss from My Perspective
Strength Levels as They Pertain to Fat Loss
The Anabolic Rebound from Extreme Fat Loss Diets
CHAPTER EIGHT – The Real Deal with HIT (High Intensity Training) Routines
Change of Pace between High Intensity Training and Volume Training
Leg Training with HIT Style
My Leg Workouts
Weekly HIT Routine Template
HIT Principles
Rest Pause Training
Extreme Stretching
Static Holds
The 1-Minute Dip
The 1-Minute Chin-up
Rep Count and Rest Periods with HIT Training
Warm-ups Within a Set (Only to be Used by The Advanced Trainer!!)
So How Does a Typical Split Involving HIT Principles Look for Me?
When to Discontinue HIT Training
Mixing HIT Training into a High Volume Routine
JDB’s Top High Intensity Routines
JDB’s Max Muscle High Rep HIT Routine
Bodyweight Emphasis HIT Routine
JDB’s Front/Back/Leg Routine
The Reps and Sets on JDB’s Front/Back/Leg Routine
What Exercises to do on JDB’s Front/Back/Leg Routine?
Example JDB Front/Back/Leg Routine Template
The Full Upper Body/Lower Body Split
HIT Versus Volume as an Aging Trainer
CHAPTER NINE – Volume Routines for The Aging Male and Seasoned Trainer
The Process of Give and Take
Forget Everything You’re “Supposed to Do”
The JDB Anabolic Flip-flop Routine
JDB’S 5 Round Volume Circuit Routine
JDB’S Max Growth Volume Training
JDB’S 4-Week High Rep Shock Routine
The JDB Joint Healing/Rejuvenation Routine
Key Points to Remember when Volume Training the JDB Way
CHAPTER TEN – No Bullshit Muscle Building
In the Beginning
Taking Care of Your Body While Growing
Letting The Chips Fall Where They May
John Doe’s SCT Training Routine
Your Two Days off Between Workouts
CHAPTER ELEVEN – Living a Healthy Emotional Lifestyle
I Could Have Been Anything I Wanted to Be
Quality Over Quantity
Change up The Daily Routine
Laugh More
Explore More
The Day to Day Living Situation
Adjusting Your Training as it Pertains to Your Life Schedule
Success is Largely Determined by Your Character not the Endeavor
Stop Getting Angry over Things You Cannot Control
1 review for No-BS Bodybuilding
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George (verified owner) –
Amazing Book with a lot of experience, I share the same ideas and perspective in life and training as well as your flexibility in the diet systems.
that’s why reading your books gives me strong support/endorses in whatever i am doing that i am on the right track and that there are many people who have the same mentality and that bodybuilding industry and magazines are full of shit and lies.
A book really worth the money.
suggestion: you are so good in writing about life, why don’t you just make a book about relationship with women and raising someone’s confidence in dealing with women from a bodybuilder’s point of view, i think you are really qualified to write about it, whenever you touch this subject in your books ,your words are so touching and raise one’s confidence, not all your writings shall be limited to bodybuilding, i actually think self-confidence and conquering and dealing with women is huge part of a bodybuilder’s life.
i have ready the below books
1) Straight from underground
2) shredded ops
3) becoming the bull
4) No BS Bodybuilding
thanks John !!!